Approve Bundle Requisitions - REQ3230

Purchasing > Maintenance > Approve Bundle Requisitions

This page allows the final approver in the Purchasing approval path to approve or return requisition bundles. Once a requisition bundle is approved, the bundled requisitions are assigned a single purchase order number.

The page consists of three grids:

  • The top grid displays the requisition bundle information.
  • The middle grid displays the requisition information for the bundle.
  • The bottom grid displays the requisition line items.

Approve bundle requisitions:

Retrieve an existing record.

Under Retrieve By:

VendorBegin typing the vendor name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a vendor.
Bundle NbrType the six-digit bundle number.

Click Retrieve.

❏ Under Bundle Information, click Spyglass Icon to view the requisitions associated with the bundle number. The details are displayed in the middle grid. Select the requisition(s) to be approved.

❏ Under Requisition Information, the requisitions associated with the bundle number are displayed.

View Click to view the requisition line item details. The details are displayed in the bottom grid.
Return Bundle Click to return the requisition bundle to the approver who submitted the requisition bundle.
Approve Bundle

Click to approve the requisition bundle. A message is displayed providing the purchase order number and prompting you to print the Purchasing Requisition Report.

Click Yes to print the report. Review the report.
Click No to continue and return to the Approve Bundle Requisitions page.