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Requisition - REQ3400

Purchasing > Maintenance > Receiving > Requisition

This page is used to receive purchased goods/services. Use the packing slip to accurately update the receiving details.

Only requisitions to which you have access to receive based on your user profile in District Administration are displayed. Receiving is performed by requisition number within the purchase order number. Purchase orders are displayed in the summary section, and associated requisitions are displayed in the detail section. Purchase orders created in the current accounting period can be received in the next accounting period.

If Create Receiving Payables is selected on the Requisition Options page, a payable transaction is automatically created on the Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing - PO page.

Receive requisitions items:

Under Retrieval Options:

Retrieve an existing recordSearch for a record.

To receive each line item:

Field Description
Quantity ReceivedType the number of items received.
Date ReceivedAutomatically populated with the current system date. You can edit the date that the items were received.

Note: If a requisition contains line items generated by Finance when a purchase order is changed, payable check transactions can only be received, not created.

Click Receive All to automatically receive all the items in the detail section of the page.

Click Save to process the selected purchase orders.

Other functions and features:

purchasing/maintenance/receiving/requisition.1536782053.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/12 14:54 (external edit)