Vendor Response - BWH3520

Warehouse > Maintenance > Bid Processing > Vendor Response

This page is used to manage vendor responses to solicited bids. You must print or email the Reports > Bid Processing Reports > Request for Quotation Report (BWH2000) before you can retrieve a bid or enter a vendor response on this page.

All users with Global Access selected on the Maintenance > User Profiles > Permissions tab in District Administration can create bids and view existing bids.

Enter a vendor response:

Retrieve an existing record
Bid NbrType the six-digit bid number to be retrieved, if known. Leading zeros are not required.

Click Retrieve.

If the bid number is not known, click Directory.
To search for a specific bid number, type data in one or more of the search fields.
To search through all available data, leave all fields blank.
Click Search. A list of bid numbers matching the search criteria is displayed.
Select a bid number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

❏ Under Bid Information:

Field Description
Bid NbrThe assigned bid number is displayed.
BuyerThe buyer's name is displayed.
Payment TermsThe allowed payoff period (e.g., Net 30) is displayed.
Request DateThe request date is displayed.
Date OpenType the beginning date for the bid in the MMDDYYYY format. Or, select a date from the calendar. In the blank field, type the begin time in the HH MM format.
Date CloseType the ending date for the bid in the MMDDYYYY format. Or, select a date from the calendar. In the blank field, type the begin time in the HH MM format.
Ship ToThe ship to address is displayed.
Freight TermThe freight term is displayed.
ReferenceThe bid reference description is displayed.

❏ Under Vendor Information, the Vendor Nbr, Vendor Name, Vendor Sort Key, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, and HUB Status fields from the Vendor Information > Vendor/Name address tab are displayed for each vendor.

Spyglass IconClick to view the bid quote items for the selected vendor. The line items are displayed at the bottom of the page under Bid Quote Items.
Response DateType the date that the vendor responded to the bid in the MMDDYYYY format. If this field is populated for any line item, the Response field under Bid Quote Items is automatically selected.
Response TimeType the time that the vendor responded to the bid in the HH MM format.
Reference QuoteType the reference quote assigned to the bid by the vendor.

❏ Under Bid Quote Items:

ResponseThis field is automatically selected if the Response Date field is populated under Vendor Information. It indicates that the vendor responded to the bid.
BidSelect to indicate that the vendor provided a different price for the line item, and type the amount in the Unit Price field.
Vendor Comment NoteClick to view or add vendor comments. If comments exist, a paperclip icon is displayed on the Note button.
Bid Spec Description NoteClick to view or add bid notes. If notes exists, a paperclip icon is displayed on the Note button.

❏ Click Save to save the vendor response. The bid status is changed to R - Vendor Response.

❏ Click Submit to submit the vendor responses. The bid is transferred to the Award Bid page.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to view or add comments to the bid. The comments are strictly for bid purposes and are not displayed on the purchase order. If comments exist, a paperclip icon is displayed on the Comment button.

Click OK to save the comment and close the window.
Click Cancel to close the window without saving the comment.

PrintClick to print the report. Review the report.