Inventory Maintenance - BWH3000

Warehouse > Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance

This page allows you to establish a file of items available through the district warehouse. When campuses submit stock item requisitions, they must specify the desired items by entering the inventory ID numbers of those items. Those ID numbers must correspond to the item numbers in the inventory records established on this page.

Add or update inventory records:


Click to add a new inventory item.

Retrieve an existing record

Type the Item Number and click Retrieve.
Type an inventory Item Description. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select the item you wish to select and click Retrieve.

Click Directory.

To search for a specific item, type data in one or more of the search fields.
Click Search.
A list of inventory items that match the search criteria is displayed.
Select an inventory item from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Field Description
Item Number

Type an item number to represent the new inventory item. Leading zeros are not required. This field can be a maximum of six alphanumeric characters. If the item number is alphanumeric, the field is not zero-filled.

If you retrieved an existing record, this field is display only.

When using alphanumeric item numbers, the Auto Assign Inventory Item Number field must be unselected on the Warehouse > Tables > Warehouse Options page.

Item Description

Type the “internal use” description of the inventory item. This description is printed on the shipping order. The description can be a maximum of 30 characters.

Long Description

Type a more detailed description of the inventory item. This description is often the official item name needed by the vendor. The description can be a maximum of 200 characters.

Catalog Number

Type the catalog number from which the item may be purchased. This field can be a maximum of 16 digits.

An association between the catalog number and the item number is established.

If an association exists between the catalog number and the item number, the catalog number is displayed on other pages when the item number is entered.

Not every item number has an associated catalog number.

Reorder Level

Type the level of warehouse inventory at which the item should be reordered. This number is represented in units of issue. For example, if your reorder level for paper is 10, that means your LEA would need to place a reorder for paper when there are 10 cases of paper left in your warehouse stock.

You can generate the Warehouse > Reports > Warehouse Reports > BWH1100 - Reorder Report to view a list of warehouse items with additional reorder information.

Reorder Quantity

Type the quantity of the item to be ordered when placing a reorder. This number is represented in units of issue (e.g., cases of paper).

Quantity on Hand

Type the total quantity of this item on hand at all LEAs.

Free Item

Select to indicate that the item has no cost. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

If selected, the Unit Cost field is disabled.

A free item needs to have a different item number if the same item is also available at a cost.

Unit Cost

Type the dollar value which represents the cost of one unit of issue of the item. This number is used to compute the total cost for a campus stock requisition.

Unit of Issue

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the unit on which the unit price is based such as each, case, box, etc.

Category Code

Click Drop-down Arrow to select a five-character code to indicate any district-defined categorization.

Commodity CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a commodity code to be assigned to the item. The commodity codes are maintained on the District Administration > Tables > Commodity Codes page.
Capital Outlay

Select to indicate that the item is a capital outlay item. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Audit Reason

Type the reason the inventory item is being added, deleted, or updated. This field is displayed when a new item is added or deleted, or when the Quantity on Hand or Unit Cost field is updated. This is a required field.

Used to Date

The number (units of issue) of this item ordered from the warehouse to date is displayed.

Last Requested

The most recent date on which an order was submitted for this item is displayed.

Back Ordered

The total number of units of issue of this item which have been back-ordered is displayed.

Last Restock

The most recent date on which an item was restocked is displayed.

Last Restock PO Nbr

The last purchase order number that was issued for the item restock order is displayed.

Inventory Location
Location DescriptionType a detailed description of the location where the item is stored.
AisleType the aisle where the item is stored. The field can be a maximum of three characters.
Bin CodeType the bin code where the item is stored. The field can be a maximum of four characters.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


A message is displayed asking you to confirm the item deletion.

Click Yes to delete the inventory item number.
Click No to not delete the inventory item number.

Note: An Audit Reason must be entered when an item is deleted, and you must click Delete again.

DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.