Fund/Fiscal Year - BWH6500

Warehouse > Utilities > Mass Reverse Pending Requisitions > Fund/Fiscal Year

This tab is used to mass reverse pending warehouse and restock requisition records based on the fund and fiscal year selected. The requisitions are returned to the originator and set to a saved status. The account codes, the workflow, and workflow history are deleted. This process also reverses encumbrance general journal transactions created during the approval path process and updates the general ledger.

  • All back orders are deleted, and the amount in Finance is reversed.
  • The restock requisition reversal process is similar to the purchase order reversal process.
  • Warehouse requisitions cannot be reversed when a shipping order is created but yet not printed yet.
  • If the requisition accounting period is set for the current accounting period, only those requisitions created in the current and previous accounting periods are reversed.
  • If the requisition accounting period is set for the next accounting period, only those requisitions created in the next accounting periods are reversed.
  • If the requisition accounting period is set for the current accounting period and transactions exist in the next accounting period, those requisitions can only be reversed in the next accounting period.

Mass reverse pending requisition records by fund/fiscal year:

All available fund/year accounts are displayed on the left side of the page.

❏ Select the fund/year accounts to delete. Use the following buttons to move the selected fund/years to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Execute to reverse the pending requisitions in the selected funds. One of the following reports is displayed:

  • Exclude Report - If the requisition accounting period is set for the current accounting period and transactions exist in the next accounting period, those requisitions can only be reversed in the next accounting period. The report displays all requisitions to be excluded from the process.
  • Multi Fund Year Report - This report displays all requisitions that contain multiple fund/years other than the fund/year selected for processing. These requisitions are included in the process.
  • Mass Reverse Pending Requisitions Reports - This report displays a list of requisitions to be processed for reversal.

Review the report.

❏ Click Process to mass delete the selected requisitions. A message is displayed prompting you to create an export.

  • Click Yes to create an export. A message is displayed prompting you to enter a password to be used for the Archive. Type the password and click Continue. Otherwise, click Cancel.
  • Click No to continue the process without creating an export.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was successful. Click OK.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Reverse Pending Requisitions Records by Fund/Year tab without reversing the selected funds.