The next year cycle end dates must be entered for each track. All tracks for next year must have grade reporting cycle end dates.

Be sure you are updating the next year page; look for “NYR” in the tab title.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Parameters NYR

IMPORTANT! Do not change current year cycle end dates or other information. The current year information will become the historical data. After running ASDR, you will have access to the historical information, so the current year data should be maintained as it was during the school year.

Campus Control Options > Parameters NYR tab

Nbr of Reporting Semesters

Select the number of semesters the campus will use next year for grade reporting. The number cannot exceed the district maximum (i.e., Reporting Semesters on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > District Control Table > District Parameters).


All tracks at the same campus must have the same number of reporting semesters.

Nbr of Cycles per Semester

Select the number of grade reporting cycles per semester:

• For a four-semester campus, select 1.

• For a two-semester/nine-week campus, select 2.

• For a two-semester/six-week campus, select 3.


All tracks at the same campus must have the same number of cycles per semester.

Track End Dates
TrackSelect an attendance track to set up.
Semester #
Cycle #

In the Cycle # fields for each Semester, type the end dates for each grading cycle in the MMDDYYYY format.


Two-semester, two-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 1-cycle 2 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 2-cycle 2 must match the last day of school for that track.

Two-semester, three-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 1-cycle 3 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 2-cycle 3 must match the last day of school for that track.

Four-semester, one-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 2-cycle 1 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 4-cycle 1 must match the last day of school for that track.


The semester and cycle must match the Grading Cycle Type field on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options.

❏ Click Save.

❏ If you have more than one track for next year, select the next track and enter the cycle end dates.

Nbr of Reporting Semesters

Select the number of semesters the campus will use next year for grade reporting. The number cannot exceed the district maximum (i.e., Reporting Semesters on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > District Control Table > District Parameters).


All tracks at the same campus must have the same number of reporting semesters.

Nbr of Cycles per Semester

Select the number of grade reporting cycles per semester:

• For a four-semester campus, select 1.

• For a two-semester/nine-week campus, select 2.

• For a two-semester/six-week campus, select 3.


All tracks at the same campus must have the same number of cycles per semester.

Track End Dates
TrackSelect an attendance track to set up.
Semester #
Cycle #

In the Cycle # fields for each Semester, type the end dates for each grading cycle in the MMDDYYYY format.


Two-semester, two-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 1-cycle 2 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 2-cycle 2 must match the last day of school for that track.

Two-semester, three-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 1-cycle 3 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 2-cycle 3 must match the last day of school for that track.

Four-semester, one-cycle campus:

• End date for semester 2-cycle 1 must match the last membership day in semester 1 in the attendance calendar for that track.
• End date for semester 4-cycle 1 must match the last day of school for that track.


The semester and cycle must match the Grading Cycle Type field on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options.

❏ Click Save.

❏ If you have more than one track for next year, select the next track and enter the cycle end dates.