Business Inquiry - DA4500

District Administration > Inquiry > Audit Log Inquiry > Business Inquiry

This page is used to view and print audit log records for the Business system. The audit log contains changes made in the Business system since the last audit log purge.

In order to view audit log data on this page, the user's profile must be set up accordingly on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Audit Log tab.

  • Users with global access to a system (i.e., Business, Other) can view all audit logs under that system.
  • Users with limited access (i.e., access to certain modules) can only view audit logs for those modules.

The settings for the audit log inquiry can be changed in the Audit Log Preferences section on the Set ASCENDER Preferences page in DBA Assistant. The settings allow you to designate the number of days the audit log records are saved before an automatic purge and allow you to specify the path for where the audit log reports are to be saved.

Note: Changes contained in the audit log are manual changes only. Changes made through a mass-update process are not available.

Search for changes:

❏ Under Search Criteria, use the following search fields to narrow your search:

Field Description
ModuleClick Dropdown Arrow to select the module you want to include in the search. The module only displays in the drop down if changes were made to the module and if the user has access to the module on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Audit Log tab.
TableClick Dropdown Arrow to select the table that you want to include in the search.
UserClick Dropdown Arrow to select the user name that you want to include in the search.

Type the key (i.e., employee number, vendor number, social security number, etc.) for which you want to search.

Note: Each table can only have one key field. In most cases, the key includes the employee number, the vendor number, or the student's social security number.

FromType the beginning date from which you want to include records. Use the MMDDYYYY format.
ToType the ending date to which you want to include records. Use the MMDDYYYY format.

❏ Click Print to print the report. The Audit Log report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Reset to clear the search criteria on the page.