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Purchasing Requestors - DA3000

District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Purchasing Requestors

This tab is used to limit the requestors for whom the user (originator) can create or modify requisitions. The requestor must have a user profile that includes accounts he is authorized to expense to, as well as any approvers associated with the requestor.

Note: Refer to the Accounts tab for more information about the Add User, Delete User, and Remove Process buttons.

Set up purchasing requestors:

Retrieve UserClick to retrieve a user.
Lookup UserClick to lookup a user.

Click +Add to add a new row to the grid.

Field Description
Requestor NameClick Drop-down Arrow to select a requestor from the drop-down list of available requestors.

Click Save.

Other functions and features:

RetrieveRetrieve data.
PrintPrint the report.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
maintenance/userprofiles/purchasingrequestors.1532456487.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/24 13:21 (external edit)