Position Management - DA2000

District Administration > Options > Position Management

This page is used to create and maintain Position Management options including the types of calculations that should be used in PMIS, and the specified default values to be used for certain types of PMIS transactions. These options are not typically changed throughout the school year.

Change Position Management options:

Under District Options:

Field Description

Select to enable Position Management application options and functionality. Do not select this option until you are ready to fully utilize PMIS. If selected:

The Automatically Compute options (Pay Rate, Daily Rate, Dock Rate, Accrual Rate, Overtime Rate) on the Payroll > Tables > District HR Options page are cleared and disabled.

The Calculate button is disabled on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab as calculations are not allowed on the employee's job info record.

Unemployment EligibleSelect to set all new employees to unemployment eligible in Payroll.
FICA/Medicare Eligible

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following FICA/Medicare eligibility options for new employees.

M - Subject to medicare
N - Not subject to FICA
Y - Subject to FICA tax

Use Forecast Conversion Tables

Select to indicate if PMIS should use the forecast (next year) conversion tables to automatically update forecast data such as contract days, number of days employed, etc.

If you enter a year in the Next Year field greater than the year originally displayed in the Next Year field, the Use Forecast Conversion Tables field is automatically cleared; however, you can still select Use Forecast Conversion Tables if conversions are needed.

Employee Must Be Assigned a Position Prior to Creating Payroll Record

Select to indicate if an employee must be assigned a position through the PMIS before a payroll record is created. Do not select this option until you are ready to fully utilize PMIS.

If selected, the payroll department is restricted to setting up new employees with a pay type 4 code (substitute).

Allow CYR Position Description Changes (Admin only)

Select to enable the position Description field for editing on the Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Position Admin and Maintenance > PMIS Supplement Admin pages. Any current year position changes are saved to the position history record.

Allow Forecast Position Description Changes

Select to enable the forecast position Description field for editing on the Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Position Modify and Maintenance > PMIS Supplement Modify pages.

Display Options to Ignore Pct of Day and Pct of Year for Position Records

Select to display the Ignore Pct of Day for Salary Calcs and Ignore Pct of Yr for Salary Calcs fields on the following pages:

Maintenance > PMIS Position Admin
Maintenance > PMIS Position Modify
Maintenance > PMIS Change in Position (current and new positions)
Inquiry > PMIS Position Inquiry
Inquiry > PMIS Status/Authorization Inquiry
Utilities > PMIS > Vacate Employee from Forecast Positions
Utilities > PMIS > Salary Simulation
Utilities > PMIS > Move Forecast to CYR Position and Payroll
Utilities > PMIS > Create Forecast Positions

Current YearType the four-digit fiscal year for the current school year in the YYYY format. When the position school year matches this year, the position is validated using the current year Human Resources tables.
Next YearType the four-digit fiscal year for the next school year in the YYYY format. This data is used for calculating next year historical data. When the position school year matches this year, the position is validated using the next year Human Resources tables.
Minimum Foundation YearType the four-digit current or next school year in the YYYY format to allow the system to select the corresponding tables to calculate the minimum foundation salary amount. If this year matches the current year value, the current Human Resources state minimum table is used. If this year matches the next year value, the next year Human Resources state minimum table is used.
Default Position Record Status

Click Drop-down Arrow to select a default status for newly created positions.

A - Active (create and fill)
P - Proposed (cannot fill)
V - Vacant (just position info, ready to fill emp)

Under Payment Options:

Round Salary to Nearest Whole DollarSelect to indicate if the salary is to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar when it is calculated.

Example: If the daily rate x number of days = $49,999.68, then the salary is rounded to $50,000.
During CIC Calculation, Pay One-Time SupplementSelect to indicate if the system should roll the one-time supplemental pay amount calculated back into the contract balance during the change-in-compensation process, or should pay the supplement pay as a one-time supplement pay.
If selected, this option prevents the employee from being over-annualized.

For example, if a new employee starts later in the school year and pay is calculated, the system does not set up the pay rate to exceed the amount the employee would have been paid each pay cycle if he had worked a full year. An extra duty payment should be created for any excess.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


Click to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes will be lost.

PrintClick to print the data on the page. Review the report.