Fund Balances - DA1200

District Administration > Tables > District Information > Fund Balances

This tab is used to enter prior year ending fund balances (3XXX) as reflected on schedule C-1 of the audit. This data is needed during TSDS Mid-Year reporting for the ActualExtension complex type. The ActualExtension Complex Type represents the sum of the financial transactions to date relating to a specific account.


Note: This data must be manually entered since object class 3XXX data is not included in the extract for TSDS Mid-Year collection.

Add fund balance information:

Field Description
YearVerify that the correct school year is displayed. If not, type the four-digit school year for which you want to add or retrieve data and click Retrieve.

Under Prior Year Fund Balance:

❏ Click +Add to add a new row.

Field Description
FundFUND-CODE (E0316)
Code table: C145

Type the three-digit fund code to select the specific fund (when applicable) for actual financial data for budget and payroll. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select a fund code from the Funds lookup.
Code table: C146

By default, this field is set to 00 and cannot be edited. This code identifies the general operational area which groups together related activities.
ObjectOBJECT-CODE (E0318)
Code table: C159

Type the four-digit object code to select the account, transaction, or source of funds indicating the major account group to which a transaction is posted or to which the associated monies are related. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select an object code from the Objects lookup. The object code must be class 3XXX.

Type the three-digit organization code (000-999) used to identify the campus within the LEA with which the account is associated.

Type the one-digit fiscal year (0-9) of the current fiscal year for the fund (e.g., the fiscal year is 4 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year).
Code table: C147

By default, this field is set to 00 and cannot be edited. This code indicates the cost of instruction and other services directed toward a particular need of a specific set of students, but not the demographic makeup of the students served.

Type the dollar value associated with actual financial account information rounded to the nearest dollar. The amount entered can be a negative or positive number.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete the selected row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save. A message is displayed confirming that you want to delete the row.

  • Click OK to delete the row.
  • Click Cancel not to delete the row.

Click to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes will be lost.