District Administration > Tables > District Logos
This page allows you to upload and save an LEA logo as an external file to the tcc.properties > district logo file location. The LEA logo is used in the following portals: EmployeePortal, ParentPortal, StudentPortal, and TeacherPortal. If a file is not uploaded, a logo is not displayed.
Additionally, this page allows you to upload a separate logo to be used only in CareerPortal. This option may be used for LEAs that participate in a Co-op with a logo that is different from the LEA. CareerPortal will first use file name dist_picture_cp, and if not available, then dist_picture. If no files are uploaded, a logo is not displayed.
The following file types are acceptable:
(3 MB max)
The target image ratio is between 1:1 and 2:1 with a maximum display size of 540 (w) × 270 (h) pixels.
❏ Under Upload LEA Logo, click Choose File. Locate and select the file to be uploaded. The file name must be dist_picture.
This logo is displayed on the EmployeePortal, ParentPortal, StudentPortal, and TeacherPortal login pages for all users in the LEA.
❏ Under Upload CareerPortal Logo, click Choose File. Locate and select the file to be uploaded. The file name must be dist_picture_cp.
This logo is displayed on the CareerPortal login page.
❏ Click Save.