First Approver - DA4000

District Administration > Workflow > First Approver

This page is used to create and maintain a list of first approvers for various requests for each campus/department.


  • Only one approver per campus/department is allowed.
  • If an approver is the first approver for multiple departments, the approver needs to be added to the table multiple times.
  • Only a first approver is allowed to insert an approver after his/herself.

Add a first approver:

Field Description
Workflow TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a specific workflow type.

Warehouse Requisition
Restock Requisition
Budget Amendment Requests
Purchasing Requisition
Accounts Receivable
Travel Reimbursement

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of first approvers for the various campuses/departments is displayed.

❏ Use the following fields to narrow your search:

Employee Nbr

Begin typing an employee number or name. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select the desired employee, or click Ellipsis Icon to select an employee from the Approver Directory. The Employee Name field is populated based on the selected Employee Nbr.

Note: To view the first approver for a specific campus/department, leave the Employee ID field blank, type a specific campus/department and click Retrieve.


Type a campus ID or click Ellipsis Icon to select a one from the Department Directory. A list of all available campus IDs is displayed. The Campus/Department Name field is populated based on the selected Campus/Department ID.

The Department Directory is populated from the campus/departments that are established on the Tables > District Information > Campus Name/Address page.

Note: To view all of the campuses/departments for a specific approver, leave the Campus/Department field blank, type a specific employee ID number, and then click Retrieve.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Employee Nbr

Type an employee number or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the Approver Directory. The Employee Name field is populated based on the selected Employee Nbr.

Print NameSelect to print the signature of the approver on the request or purchase order.
Campus/Department ID

Type a campus ID or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the Department Directory. A list of all available campus IDs is displayed. The Campus/Department Name field is populated based on the selected Campus/Department ID.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Duplicate From Existing

Click to duplicate the first approver data from one workflow type to another. The Duplicate pop-up window is displayed.

From Workflow TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the workflow type from which you want to duplicate first approver data.
To Workflow TypeThe currently selected workflow type is displayed.

Click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the First Approver page.


Click to print the First Approver report for the selected workflow type.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save. The row is deleted.