ASCENDER EmployeePortal > Leave Requests

This page is used to create, edit, delete, and submit leave requests for the selected payroll frequency. After a leave request is processed by payroll, it is no longer displayed on this page.

If this page is not enabled, check with your EmployeePortal administrator, as the LEA may have opted to not allow access.

If a message is available from your LEA, it is displayed in red at the top of the page.

Leave Requests Page

Payroll FrequencyClick Drop-down Arrow to select the payroll frequency for which you want to create a leave request. If you have leave in multiple payroll frequencies such as biweekly, semimonthly, and monthly, those options are displayed and can be selected.

Under Unprocessed Leave Requests, a list of your unprocessed (not processed by payroll) leave requests is displayed, if any. The following details are displayed for each leave request:

Start and End DateThe start and end date range for the leave request is displayed in the MM-DD-YYYY format.
Start and End TimeThe start and end time range for the leave request is displayed in the HH MM format and click Drop down Arrow to select AM or PM.
Leave TypeThe type of requested leave is displayed.
Comment LogAny employee (requestor) comments that were added to the leave request are displayed.

The current status of the leave request is displayed.

When a leave request is created, an email message is automatically sent to your direct supervisor notifying him of the request and prompting him to approve or disapprove the leave request. The status of the leave request is updated to Pending Spvsr Approval.

After a leave request is approved by your supervisor, an email message is automatically sent to the email address listed on your demographic record notifying you of the action. The status of the leave request is updated to Pending Payroll.

If a leave request is disapproved by your supervisor, an email message is automatically sent to the email address listed on your demographic record notifying you of the action. The status of the leave request is updated to Disapproved. You can edit and resubmit the leave request or delete the leave request.

After a leave request is processed by payroll, it is no longer displayed on this page.

Create a leave request:

You have two options to create a leave request.

Option 1: Click Add in the upper-right corner of the Leave Requests page. The Create Leave Requests pop-up window opens allowing you to enter the details of your leave request.

Create Leave Requests Window

Option 2: From the EmployeePortal homepage calendar, you will notice that the current day is highlighted in yellow.

TIP: If you have an existing approved or pending leave request, the entry is displayed for that calendar day. You can click the entry to open the details of the request and edit the request as needed. If you have an existing processed leave request, you can click the entry to open the details of the request; however, you cannot edit the request.

EmployeePortal Homepage

Add Request Type Window

Your leave balances are displayed at the bottom of the Create Leave Requests window under Leave Balance Summary.

❏ Complete the following information for the leave entry:

Leave TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the type of leave that you want to request. Only leave types assigned to you are displayed. An LEA setting determines whether or not you can use a leave type with a zero balance. All assigned active leave types are displayed even if the leave type amount is zero.
Absence ReasonClick Drop-down Arrow to select the absence reason. The absence reasons are determined by your LEA and correspond to the selected leave type.
Start DateType the start date for which you want to request leave in the MM/DD/YYYY format or click Calendar Icon to select a date from the calendar.
End DateThis field is automatically populated with the date selected in the Start Date field; however, you can change the date. Type the end date for which you want to request leave in the MM/DD/YYYY format or click Calendar Icon to select a date from the calendar. You can use this field to cover consecutive dates of a leave request excluding the weekend (Saturday/Sunday).
Start TimeType the beginning time in the HH MM format for which you want to request leave. Click Drop-down Arrow to select AM or PM.
End TimeType the end time in the HH MM format for which you want to request leave. Click Drop-down Arrow to select AM or PM.
Hours/Day Requested

The number of hours per day for which you are requesting leave is automatically calculated based on the Start Time and End Time of the leave request.

If the field is not automatically calculated, you must manually type the number of hours per day for which you are requesting leave. An LEA setting determines whether or not this field is automatically calculated.

Total Requested

Indicates the total amount of requested leave in the specified units.


Type any comments related to your leave request. The comments are available to all approvers.

The leave balance amounts translate to hours or days based on the assigned unit type for the selected leave type.

Leave TypeThe specific leave code(s) for which you have leave data is displayed. The leave types are first displayed in the order that is set for your check (called stub position), and then leave type code (01-99) order.
Beginning BalanceThe leave balance as of the beginning of this year for each leave type is displayed.
Advanced/EarnedThe number of units of leave advanced or earned as of the last pay period is displayed.
Pending EarnedThe total leave earned but not yet processed through payroll is displayed.
UsedThe number of units of leave used as of the last pay period is displayed.
Pending UsedThe total leave pending and approved but not yet processed through payroll is displayed. This amount is subtracted from the Available Balance field.
AvailableIndicates the number of units of leave still available for use. The Available is based on beginning balance, plus advanced/earned, plus pending earned, less used, and less pending used.
UnitsIndicates the type of units (hours or days) that are used when calculating leave requests.

❏ After completing your leave request entry, use one of the following options to continue:

  • Click Submit and Add to submit the leave request to your supervisor for approval and remain on the Create Leave Requests window to continue adding additional leave request entries.
  • Click Submit and Close to submit the leave request to your supervisor for approval and close the Create Leave Requests window.
  • A leave request is created and an email message is sent to your direct supervisor to notify them that a leave request is pending their approval.
  • Depending on the leave type, additional approvers may be in the approval path for the leave request.
  • If you are set as the temporary approver for your supervisor, and you enter a leave request when your supervisor is unavailable, the request is submitted to your supervisor's supervisor. You are not allowed to approve your own leave requests.
  • When a leave request is approved or disapproved, an email message is automatically sent to the email address listed on your demographic record notifying you of the action.
  • If your leave request is approved, the approval email message will contain links to add your approved leave request as a calendar event in Outlook and Google.
  • Click X or Cancel to close the pop-up window without submitting any leave requests and return to the Leave Requests page.