You have two options to create a travel request.

Option 1: Click Add in the upper-right corner of the Travel Requests page.

Travel Add Button

The Add Travel Request pop-up window opens allowing you to begin entering the details of your travel request.

Add Travel Request Popup

Option 2: From the EmployeePortal homepage calendar, you will notice that the current day is highlighted in yellow. Click the day for which you want to enter a travel request. The Add Request Type pop-up window opens allowing you select the type of request you want to enter.

TIP: If you have any existing approved, pending, or saved travel requests, the entry is displayed for that day on the calendar. You can click the entry to open the details of the request.

Add Request Type Popup

❏ Click Travel. The Add Travel Request pop-up window opens. The From Date and To Date fields are automatically populated with the date you selected from the calendar. For extended travel requests, select the applicable To Date.

Add Travel Popup Prepopulated Dates

Mileage travel request:

❏ If entering a single travel date or multiple consecutive travel dates for non-extended travel (mileage & incidentals), ensure the following fields are completed:

From DateType the date on which the travel occurred in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, click Calendar Icon to select a date. If entering a single date of travel, a To Date is not necessary.
To DateType the date on which the travel ended in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, click Calendar Icon to select a date.
CampusThe campus is automatically populated with your assigned pay campus.

Admin Note: The pay campus is retrieved from the highest pay frequency where the employee is active.

❏ If the From Date and To Date selections exceed a single day, the Overnight Trip? check box is displayed.

Do not select the Overnight Trip? check box for non-extended travel.

Note: Selecting the Overnight Trip? check box allows the display of the additional fields needed when creating an extended travel request entry.

❏ Click Add. The Travel Request page is displayed with an entry for each day of your travel with dates populated according to your selected to/from dates.

Otherwise, click Cancel to close the Add Travel Request pop-window and return to the EmployeePortal calendar or the Travel Request page.

The Travel Summary is displayed at the top of the page with the following details:

Note: If you are entering a new request, this information is blank.

  • Travel Nbr - Displays the assigned travel number.
  • Status - Displays the status of the travel request.
  • Date Entered - Displays the date the travel request was entered.
  • Total Miles - Displays the total miles traveled minus commute miles.
  • Total Misc - Displays the total amount of all miscellaneous items.
  • Total Request - Displays the total amount of the travel request (mileage + miscellaneous items).
  • Account - Displays the assigned account codes to be expensed.
  • Amount - Displays the amount to be expensed for each assigned account code.
  • Approver - Displays the approver's name.
  • Alternate Approver - Displays the approver's alternate approver if any.
  • Approval Status - Displays the approver's approval status (Approved, Pending, or Returned).

Mileage Only Travel Request

Mileage Travel Request

Assign account codes:

❏ Click the Account Codes link to assign an account code to a specific travel day within the travel request. Or, click the Assign Account Codes button at the top of the page to assign account codes to the entire travel request.

The Assign Account Codes pop-up window opens allowing you to enter account code information for the travel request. Only account codes to which you have access are displayed.

Assign Account Codes

The Assign Account Codes button overrides any accounts code assignments for a specific travel day within a travel request.

  • Click +Add to add a blank account code line. You can add additional account codes rows as needed.
  • In the Account Code column, type the account code. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to open the Account Codes pop-up window and search for an account code.
    • Type the applicable account code components, click Ellipsis Icon to open the Fund Search pop-up window, or leave blank for all account codes, and then click Search. A list of available account codes is displayed.
    • Select an account code from the list. The Account Code and Description fields are populated with the selected account code.
    • Click Clear to clear your selections.
    • Click X to close the Account Codes pop-up window.
  • In the Percent column, type the percent of the travel request amount to be expensed to the account code. Or, in the Amount column, type the dollar amount of the travel request amount to be expensed to the account code.

❏ Click Calculate Percent to populate the Percent column based on the amount entered in the Amount column.

❏ Click Calculate Amount to populate the Amount column based on the percentage entered in the Percent column.

The total percentage and amount distribution for all accounts listed is displayed.

❏ Click OK to save your changes and close the pop-up window. Click X or Cancel to close the pop-up window without saving your changes.

❏ Click + to add an additional travel request entry.

Extended travel request:

❏ If entering multiple consecutive travel dates for extended travel (mileage, lodging, meals, and incidentals), complete the following fields:

From DateType the date on which the travel occurred in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, click Calendar Icon to select a date. If entering an extended travel request, indicate the first date of travel.
To DateType the date on which the travel ended in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, click Calendar Icon to select a date. If entering an extended travel request, indicate the last date of travel.
CampusThe campus is automatically populated with your assigned pay campus.

Admin Note: The pay campus is retrieved from the highest pay frequency where the employee is active.

❏ If the From Date and To Date selections exceed a single day, the Overnight Trip? check box is displayed.

Select the Overnight Trip? check box. The time fields are displayed.

Note: Selecting the Overnight Trip? check box allows the display of the additional fields needed when creating an extended travel request entry.

From TimeType the time at which you departed the origin location (start time) in the HH MM AM/PM format. Or, click Clock Icon to select the start time.
To TimeType the time at which you returned to the origin location (end time) in the HH MM AM/PM format. Or, click Clock Icon to select the end time.

❏ Click Add. The Travel Request page is displayed with an entry for each day of your travel with dates populated according to your selected to/from dates.

Otherwise, click Cancel to close the Add Travel Request pop-window and return to the EmployeePortal calendar or the Travel Request page.

The Travel Summary is displayed at the top of the page with the following details:

Note: If you are entering a new request, this information is blank.

  • Travel Nbr - Displays the assigned travel number.
  • Status - Displays the status of the travel request.
  • Date Entered - Displays the date the travel request was entered.
  • Total Miles - Displays the total miles traveled minus commute miles.
  • Total Misc - Displays the total amount of all miscellaneous items.
  • Total Request - Displays the total amount of the travel request (mileage + miscellaneous items).
  • Account - Displays the assigned account codes to be expensed.
  • Approver - Displays the approver's name.
  • Alternate Approver - Displays the approver's alternate approver if any.
  • Approval Status - Displays the approver's approval status (Approved, Pending, or Returned).

Extended Travel Request

Extended Travel Request

Assign account codes:

❏ Click the Account Codes link to assign an account code to a specific travel day within the travel request. Or, click the Assign Account Codes button at the top of the page to assign account codes to the entire travel request.

The Assign Account Codes pop-up window opens allowing you to enter account code information for the travel request. Only account codes to which you have access are displayed.

The Assign Account Codes button overrides any accounts code assignments for a specific travel day within a travel request.

  • Click +Add to add a blank account code line. You can add additional account codes rows as needed.
  • In the Account Code column, type the account code. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to open the Account Codes pop-up window and search for an account code.
    • Type the applicable account code components, click Ellipsis Icon to open the Fund Search pop-up window, or leave blank for all account codes, and then click Search. A list of available account codes is displayed.
    • Select an account code from the list. The Account Code and Description fields are populated with the selected account code.
    • Click Clear to clear your selections.
    • Click X to close the Account Codes pop-up window.
  • In the Percent column, type the percent of the travel request amount to be expensed to the account code. Or, in the Amount column, type the dollar amount of the travel request amount to be expensed to the account code.

❏ Click Calculate Percent to populate the Percent column based on the amount entered in the Amount column.

❏ Click Calculate Amount to populate the Amount column based on the percentage entered in the Percent column.

The total percentage and amount distribution for all accounts listed is displayed.

❏ Click OK to save your changes and close the pop-up window. Click X or Cancel to close the pop-up window without saving your changes.

Once you have completed your travel request:

❏ Click Save to save the request without submitting it for approval. The Documents button at the top of the page is enabled allowing you to upload documents such as receipts, maps, etc. Once the request is saved, you can return to it at a later time to make changes and/or submit it for approval.

Saved Travel Request

❏ Click Submit to submit the request for approval. The request is sent through the appropriate approval path.

You will receive an email message when the request is approved/returned.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Travel Requests page.