The following information is displayed in the top section of the page:

Travel Requests Page

Vendor NbrYour vendor number is displayed as set up in ASCENDER Finance.

Your vendor address is displayed as set up in ASCENDER Finance.

Admin Note: This address is populated from the Remittance Address on the Finance > Maintenance > Vendor Information > Vendor Name/Address tab even when the Order Address is populated. If only the Order Address is populated in ASCENDER Finance, then the Order Address is used.

Note: Employees MUST have an established vendor number to enter travel reimbursement requests.

Commute DistanceThe commute distance is displayed. This is the number of miles between your home and assigned work location.

If you need to update your commute distance, click Change. The Please enter your one-way commute distance pop-up window opens. Type your commute distance and then click Save to close the pop-up window. Valid values are 0-999.9.

Admin Note: The commute distance can also be updated on the employee's demographic record in ASCENDER Personnel.
Pay CampusThe pay campus is displayed. This is your assigned pay campus ID.

Admin Note: The pay campus is retrieved from the highest pay frequency where the employee is active.

A list of your travel reimbursement requests is displayed if any. The following details are displayed for each travel reimbursement request:

Travel NbrThe travel number for the existing travel reimbursement request is displayed. The travel number is assigned to a new request when it is saved or submitted. Once a request is submitted, you can track the progress of the request by the travel number.
First DateFor a single day mileage request, the date of travel is displayed. Or, for extended mileage requests, the first date of travel is displayed.
StatusThe current status of the travel reimbursement request is displayed.
Request TotalThe total amount of the travel reimbursement request is displayed.
Check NbrOnce approved and processed, the travel reimbursement request becomes a Finance check transaction and is paid on the next Finance check run. The check number is displayed.
Check DateThe Finance check run date is displayed.

❏ Use the following fields to filter the travel reimbursement request data by date range and/or status.

StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the status for which you want to view travel reimbursement request data.


From and To DateType the range of dates for which you want to view travel reimbursement request data or click Calendar Icon to select the dates.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of travel reimbursement requests for the specified date range and/or status is displayed.