❏ Complete the following information for the request:

The Depart and Return fields are automatically populated with the dates and times selected in the Add Travel Request pop-up window.

❏ After all travel details have been entered for the first day's entry, the Copy from Previous Day check box is displayed on subsequent entries. Select this check box to copy all travel details from the previous day's entry and make changes as needed. This feature overrides any existing data and replaces it with the previous day details. If selecting this check box on the last travel day and the day from which you are copying has a dinner amount, the Dinner field will not be populated if the return time is not later than the Dinner Eligible Return Time as defined in ASCENDER Finance.

ContactType the name of your contact person at the destination. This field can be a maximum of 40 characters and is required.
PurposeType the purpose of the trip. This field can be a maximum of 180 characters and is required.

❏ Under Point of Origin:

Origin DescriptionType a description for the starting location.
Origin AddressType the address at which you started.
CityType the city name for origin address. This field can be a maximum of 25 characters.
StateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a state for the origin address.
ZipType the five-digit zip code for the origin address.

❏ Under Destination:

Destination DescriptionType a description for the ending location.
Destination AddressType the address to which you traveled.
CityType the city name for the destination address. This field can be a maximum of 25 characters.
StateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a state for the destination address.
ZipType the five-digit zip code for the destination address.

❏ Under Travel Detail, there is an entry section for each travel day. Complete the applicable fields:

Mileage StartType the beginning odometer reading. If this field is used, leave the Map field blank.
Mileage StopType the ending odometer reading. If this field is used, leave the Map field blank.
Mileage MapThis field can be used to enter the total reimbursable miles. If this field is used, leave the Mileage Start/Stop fields blank.

Type the number of miles from the point of origin to the destination point if one-way, calculated using mapping software. For round-trip, double the mileage of the one-way total.
Round TripSelect to indicate that the entry is round trip with the same mileage each way (two one-way trips, one from Point A to Point B and the other from Point B to Point A). Selecting Round Trip doubles the total mileage for the entry.
CommuteSelect to include your commute distance in the mileage calculation. This is the mileage that you would normally travel from home to work and vice versa.

If Round Trip is selected, the commute mileage is deducted twice from the total mileage. If Round Trip is not selected, the commute mileage is only deducted once from the total mileage.

For example, if you enter a one-way trip leaving from home to a destination for a total of 50 miles and your commute distance is set to 20 miles, then your total mileage for the request is 30 miles (50 - 20).
TotThe total mileage (Start Mileage - Stop Mileage) for the entry is calculated and displayed.
Mileage RateThe mileage reimbursement rate is displayed. This rate is set up in ASCENDER Finance according to the travel dates.
Total Mileage AmountThe total amount to be reimbursed for the entry (Total Mileage - Commute Distance x Mileage Reimbursement Rate) is displayed.
AccommodationsIf a hotel stay was necessary, type the name of the hotel. This field can be a maximum of 35 characters. The hotel expense can be paid one of two ways:

You can pay the bill and request reimbursement. In this case, type the amount in the Reimbursement Amt field.

The hotel can direct bill the LEA or service center. In this case, type the reference number in the Direct Bill Ref Nbr field (up to 20 characters).

In the Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner fields, type the amount for incurred meal expenses. These amounts cannot exceed the limits set by your EmployeePortal administrator in ASCENDER Finance.


• To be reimbursed for breakfast on the first travel day, the from (departure) time must be earlier than the Breakfast Eligible Depart Time as defined in ASCENDER Finance.

• To be reimbursed for dinner on the last travel day, the to (return) time must be later than the Dinner Eligible Return Time as defined in ASCENDER Finance.

If you need further information about these amounts and times, contact your supervisor or EmployeePortal administrator.

Meal OverrideSelect if any meal expenses for the date exceeded the limits. If selected, an explanation is required in the Override Reason field.
Meal TotalThe sum of expenses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is displayed.
Additional ExpensesIn the Parking, Taxi, or Misc fields, type the amount of any parking, taxi, or miscellaneous expenses for the day.

The Misc field is used for expenses that do not fall under any of the other categories. If an amount is entered in the Misc field, an explanation is required in the Misc Reason field.
Additional Expense TotalThe sum of all additional expenses for the day is displayed.
Daily TotalThe sum of all expenses for the day is displayed.