The fields that you are allowed to update and view are determined by an LEA setting.
Your current demographic information is displayed in the Current and New column.
The Current column is display only.
The New column is only enabled if the LEA allows updates to the data. If the New column fields are enabled, you can enter your changes.
To delete information, delete the data in the New column.
If the requests are pending an approval you can continue to change your request until it has been approved, and the database has been updated. Pending requests are highlighted yellow after the changes are submitted.
Direct deposit bank accounts to be deleted are highlighted red.
If a change is made more than once for the same field, the last change overrides the previous one.
To remove a requested change, you should enter the original data in the New column.
The number of direct deposit accounts displayed on the page is determined by an LEA setting.
Some fields may require you to produce documentation for your employer. If documentation is required, the fields are identified in the automatic reply email message that is automatic reply email message.