Import Invoices File Layout

This file record layout is used to import a file to create invoice records.

Field Length Type Description
Customer Number6NumericRequired; must match a customer record in Accounts Receivable
Requested By35CharacterRequired if Customer PO Number is blank
Customer PO Number20AlphanumericRequired if Requested By field is blank
Date Requested8YYYYMMDDOptional; can default to current date
Description (Invoice)80CharacterRequired; could be workshop name and participant name; is used as the sort criteria on the invoice
Account Code20AlphanumericRequired
Amount11NumericIf blank, the field is set to zero. Decimal places are not implied.
Due Date8YYYYMMDDOptional
Unit of Issue Optional, populated from list.
Product Type Optional, populated from product number.
Unit Price11NumericOptional
