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FitnessGram Export

The extract file name is FG_Extract_SchoolYear_CampusID+.csv (e.g., FG_Extract_2018_001.csv).

If the district is submitting a district-wide FitnessGram file, copy each campus extract into one file, and remove the campus ID from the name (e.g., FG_Extract_2018.csv). Save the exported document as a .csv file.

ColumnTypeMax LengthValid ValuesDescription
ASchoolID *Alphanumeric50 CountyDistrictID-CountyDistrictID + Campus ID (e.g., 1010912-10109122001)
BStudentID *Alphanumeric30 Student’s Texas Unique Student ID from Registration.
CStudentFirstName *Alphanumeric100
DStudentLastName *Alphanumeric100
FStudentNickNameAlphanumeric9 Student’s Nickname from Registration.
GStudentBirthdate *Date MM/DD/YYYY
HStudentGrade *Alphanumeric K-12Single, alphanumeric characters for grade levels K-9, or two digits for grade levels 10-12
IStudentGender *Alphanumeric1m, f, M, F
JStudentEthnicityCode Blank
KStudentUserName *Alphanumeric50 Same Student ID as in second column
LStudent Password*Alphanumeric50 Created using student’s name and date of birth (FirstInitial + MiddleInitial + LastInitial + Birthday (e.g., ABC010203)). If no middle name, the initial is omitted from the password.
MStudentReportEmailAlphanumeric254 The student’s E-mail from Registration. If email address is not included, those student and parent reports cannot be sent.
NStudent SSO ID
OStudentPrintBodyCompAlphanumeric1y, n, Y, N
PParentReportEmail1Alphanumeric100 The E-mail of the student’s priority 1 contact from Registration. If email address is not included, thosee student and parent reports cannot be sent.
QParentReportEmail2Alphanumeric100 Blank
RStudentPrintReportInSpanishAlphanumeric1y, n, Y, NIf student’s priority 1 contact has Spanish selected for Language in Registration, this column is Y.
SStudentPermanentExemptionCodeAlphanumeric50 Blank
TStudentIsActiveAlphanumeric1Y, NDefault is Y. You can change it within the application or file.
UClassName *Alphanumeric50 DistrictID + CampusID + CourseTitle + CourseNumber + SectionNumber + BeginPeriod + InstructorID
VClassID *Alphanumeric50 DistrictID + CampusID + ServiceID + CourseNumber + SectionNumber + BeginPeriod + CourseSemester + YY (last two digits of the school year)
WClassDescriptionAlphanumeric300 Course title.
XClassStartDate *Date MM/DD/YYYYStart date for the course.
YClassEndDate *Date MM/DD/YYYYThe last day of the semester.
ZTeacherID *Alphanumeric50 Unique number assigned to instructor by TEA (TX Unique Staff ID).
AETeacherUserName*Alphanumeric254 Instructor’s email address. For security purposes this is the official school email address.
AFTeacherPassword*Alphanumeric50 Created by combining instructor’s date of birth and initials (2-DigitBirthMonth + 4-DigitBirthYear + FirstInitial + LastInitial (e.g., 041987AB))
AGTeacherEmail*Alphanumeric254 Instructor’s work email address
AHTeacherIsActiveAlphanumeric1Y, NDefault is Y. You can change it within the application or file.
AITeacher SSO IDAlphanumeric35 Only used for districts using single sign on



  • Staff data is from Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo. If the district does not use TxEIS Business, columns for staff information are blank.
  • Do not use commas in the data fields; commas will cause the import to fail. If there is a comma in an email field, the email field will be blank when it is exported.
  • Do not enter blank spaces in fields that will be empty.
  • Do not insert blank rows into the file.
student/fitnessgram_export.1539116529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/09 15:22 (external edit)