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ASCENDER OCR - 2020-2021 Submission IN-WORKS

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey of public schools required by United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The CRDC collects data on leading civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunity at the early childhood through grade 12. Data is collected from every public local educational agencies (LEA) and campus. For more information, visit the OCR Civil Rights Data Collection website at

ASCENDER OCR is a reporting system that enables districts to provide the federally mandated information to the OCR.

ASCENDER OCR provides support for the collection and flat file submission for School Form Part 1 and School Form Part 2.

NOTE: LEA Form Part 1 and LEA Form Part 2 are not supported in ASCENDER OCR and must be completed through the OCR website.

WARNING: The Create OCR File utility creates a CSV file. If you open the file in Microsoft Excel, some data is changed in the conversion. Therefore, DO NOT SUBMIT a file that was opened in Excel; only submit the original CSV file.

Data should only be edited from within the OCR program. If you must edit data outside the OCR program (not recommended), use Notepad.exe or a similar text editor.



Checklist Overview

Checklist Overview:

Before You Extract Data

  • Set district options.

Extract Data

  • Perform the extract.
  • View extract status.

Modify Extracted Data

  • Modify extracted data as needed.

After You Extract Data

  • Create file.
  • Generate reports.


academy/ocr.1638823344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/06 15:42 (external edit)