Create OCR File

OCR > Utilities > Create OCR File

This utility allows you to create files by campus, or one file for all campuses, for federal reporting. The file for submission contains all data in one file; however, you can generate an individual file for each part for review.

Create file:

Select Campus

Select the campus for which to create the OCR file. Or select All to create a file with data for all campuses.

Select Part

Select Part 1 (for review only) or Part 2 (for review only) to review the extracted data in Part 1 or Part 2. A CSV file is downloaded according to your browser settings. This data is for review only. The 2021-2022 submission has a consolidated layout and must be submitted in one file.

Select Combined File for Submission to generate the consolidated file that can be submitted to the CRDC.

Unique File Identifier

Type a unique seven-character identifier for the file. This identifier will be part of the file name that is created by this utility.

❏ Click Execute.

The file is created and downloaded according to your browser settings.

WARNING: The Create OCR File utility creates a CSV file. If you open the file in Microsoft Excel, some data is changed in the conversion. Therefore, DO NOT SUBMIT a file that was opened in Excel; only submit the original CSV file.

Data should only be edited from within the OCR program. If you must edit data outside the OCR program (not recommended), use Notepad.exe or a similar text editor.