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academy:admin_forms_create_static [2019/05/29 15:29] jstanfordacademy:admin_forms_create_static [2019/07/01 19:40] (current) jstanford
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-If you uploaded any documents, you must create a form with each document in order to make it accessible to parents. If you have English and Spanish versions of documents, you must upload each document individually.\\  \\   +<WRAP round intro>If you uploaded any documents on [[:documentupload|Document Upload]], you must create a form with each document in order to make it accessible to parents. If you have English and Spanish versions of documents, you must upload each document individually.</WRAP>
-VCV Click **Add Form**. A pop-up window opens.\\  \\   +
-<SCREENSHOT - Create form using uploaded document>+
 \\  \\   \\  \\  
-^Form Name|Type a name for the new form.| +{{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-creator-add-button.png|Snippet of Form Creator page with Add new Form button highlighted}}\\  \\   
-^Form Instructions|Type any specific district-level instructions for the form.| +VCV Click **Add Form**.<div indent>A pop-up window opens.\\  \\   
-^Campus|Select a campus in order to assign the form to a specific campus. Or, select //All Campus// if the form is used for all campuses in the district.\\  \\  If you select //All Campus//, each campus is listed, and you can remove individual campuses if needed.<WRAP box>**NOTE:** If you select //All Campus// by mistake, click //Clear all// to clear all campuses at once.</WRAP>+{{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-creator-add-static.png|Add New Form pop-up window}} 
-^Visible|Select **Yes** if you want the form to visible to parents in ParentPortal.| +</div>
-\\   +
-Select the form from the list in the drop-down field.\\  \\   +
 \\  \\   \\  \\  
-Click **Add Form**The form is added to the **Active Forms** list on the left side of the page.+^Form Name|Type a name for the formFor a Spanish form, provide the name in Spanish.| 
 +^Form Instructions|Type any specific district-level instructions for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the instructions in Spanish.| 
 +^Campus|Select a campus in order to assign the form to a specific campus. Or, select //All Campuses// if the form is used for all campuses in the district.\\  \\  If you select //All Campuses//, each campus is listed, and you can remove individual campuses if needed.\\  \\  {{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-campus.png|Campus selection field}}\\  <WRAP box>**NOTE:** If you select //All Campus// by mistake, click //Cancel All// to clear all campuses at once.</WRAP>
 +^Visible|Select **Yes** if you want the form to visible to parents in ParentPortal.| 
 +^Attach Document|Select the form from the list in the drop-down field.\\  \\  For a Spanish form, be sure to select the Spanish version of the form.| 
 +^Language|Select the language of the form.|
 \\  \\   \\  \\  
-<SCREEN SHOT - Form added>+VCV Click **Add Form**.<div indent>The form is added to the **Active Forms** list on the left side of the page, under **Static Forms**.</div>
 \\  \\   \\  \\  
-Repeat for all remaining static documents, including Spanish documents.+VCV Repeat for all remaining static documents, including Spanish documents.
academy/admin_forms_create_static.1559143776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/29 10:29 (external edit)