VIII. View your student's discipline information.

ASCENDER Parent Portal > Discipline

The Discipline page displays your student's discipline records for the semester. You can also view records for a particular date.

This is not available at all districts.

If court-ordered restriction exists for a particular discipline incident, that data is restricted.

Discipline page

By default, all of the student's discipline records for the semester are displayed.

Filter by

To view discipline records for a particular date, type the dateā€¦


The date and time of the discipline incident are displayed.


The specific violation is displayed.

Disciplinary Action

A description of the action taken by campus officials in response to the discipline incident is displayed.

Reported by

The name of the staff member who reported the incident is displayed.


The name of the campus administrator who is handling the incident and taking action is displayed.

Additional comments about the discipline incident may be displayed in italic font below the fields, if entered by campus administrators.