txConnect > My Account
If you are continuing from the previous step, the My Account page is displayed. Otherwise, log on and select My Account from the menu.
If you have not already verified your email address using the code that was sent to your email address, you must do this now to continue.
IMPORTANT: If you do not have access to an email address, contact your student's campus.
Step 1 - Enrollment Overview & Student Name:
Under New Student Enrollment steps, a brief overview of the student enrollment steps are listed.
If you previously started online enrollment for a student but have not completed the process, you can click Skip to Step 4. From Step 4, you can select the student and continue the enrollment process.
Student Name | Type the student's full name.
• The only special characters allowed are a hyphen (-) and apostrophe ('). |
Click Continue. The Step 2 - Enrollment Key page opens.
Step 2 - Enrollment Key:
There are two possible methods for requesting an enrollment key. One of the following options will be available, as determined by the district.
Click Continue. The Step 3 - Addresses & Contacts page opens.
Step 3 - Addresses & Contacts:
Step 3 allows you to add physical addresses and mailing addresses for the student, family members, and other contacts.
HELPFUL FEATURE: As you initially enter address information (street number, street name, city, state, and zip), it is automatically stored so it can be reused to prefill the fields when you are completing multiple forms that contain address fields.
Once you have entered address data, when you click in a blank field for which data can be prefilled,
a blue box is displayed which contains the most recent address data entered so far. When you click the blue box, the address fields are automatically filled with the stored information.
This feature works when adding or editing address data in either the Family Addresses window or the Family Contacts window.
Some fields are required. If you do not enter data in a required field, a message is displayed when you click Save Changes, and you must provide the data to continue.
Click OK to close the message, add the required data, and click Save Changes again.
Click Continue. The Step 4 - Student Information page opens.
Step 4 - Student Information:
Any existing students added to your account are listed.
Click Enter Student Info for the student.
Fields are displayed allowing you to select the student's address and contacts and enter additional information for the selected student.
Attach a document:
If a field contains the Document button, you can click the button to upload a file related to online enrollment, such as a birth certificate, driver license, immunization record, or proof of residency.
A window opens allowing you select and upload one or more files.
Document Upload |
Click Choose File. Locate and select the file to be uploaded. |
Description | Type a description of the file you are uploading. |
Click Upload File.
A message is displayed indicating that the file upload was successful, and the details are displayed.
Click Close to close the window.
• If a document has been uploaded for a particular field, the button displays Documents(+) (with a plus sign) .
• If no document has been uploaded for the field, the button displays Documents(-) (with a minus sign) .
View or delete an existing document:
Click Documents(+).
• Click the document to view it.
• Click next to the document to delete it. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the file. Click OK.
Click Save and Continue. The Step 5 - Enrollment Forms page opens.
Or, click Save and Submit later if you have not completed all information and need to continue at a later time. A message is displayed indicating that the data is saved but not submitted for district processing. You can return at a later time to complete the process.
Step 5 - Enrollment Forms:
Under Downloadable Enrollment Forms:
Any additional forms required by the campus or district are listed.
1. Click each form to view it. The form opens in a new window where it can be viewed and printed.
2. Print and complete all forms by hand, and take the completed forms to the campus or district if required.
Under Standard Enrollment Forms:
The required standard forms are listed. These forms can be completed and submitted online. Icons next to the form name indicate if you have completed the form:
- Indicates that the parent has not saved the form.
- Indicates that the parent has already saved the form.
Click each form to view it. The form opens in a pop-up window.
Enter the required information and click Save Changes. You may need to scroll down in the pop-up window to access the Save Changes button.
You cannot save a form unless all required data is entered.
Some forms do not have data entry fields, but do need to be acknowledged by the parent. In this case, the parent clicks Save Changes to acknowledge the contents of the form.
A message in the pop-up window indicates that the changes were saved. Click to close the window.
For a saved form, the icon changes from to
Until all forms are saved, the Submit to District button remains disabled. (You may need to scroll down to view the Submit to District button.)
Click Submit to District when all data and forms are ready.
Step 6 - Final Steps:
To add another student, click Add Another Student and repeat the process from Step 1.
Under Print Enrollment Confirmation:
All students are listed whom you have successfully submitted to the district for enrollment, or are in the process of enrolling.
• If you have started the enrollment process for the student, the student's name is displayed.
• If his enrollment has successfully been submitted to the district, a check mark and the submission date are displayed.
Click Print Enrollment Confirmation for each enrolled student to print a confirmation message for your records that includes the student’s name, student enrollment key, and instructions for completing the process and adding the student to your account.
What Happens Next?
Visit in person:
To complete the enrollment process, it may be necessary to go to the district or campus to deliver the downloadable forms and complete any steps that must be handled in person, as required by the district and campus. Contact your campus for these instructions.
Receive a Student Portal ID:
Once the district or campus has completed your student's enrollment, the campus will issue you a Student Portal ID for each student you successfully enrolled. You can use the portal ID to add the student to your account.
Once your student is completely enrolled and added to your account, he will be listed on your My Account page under Students.