Release Date: 2/7/2024 ASCENDER Update: 8.0600

District Administration > Tables > District Information > Shared Services Arrangement

❏ Renamed the Shared Services Arrangements Amounts section to Shared Services Arrangement Member Amounts and added the Member District ID field.

District Admin > Inquiry > TSDS Level 1 Errors

❏ Corrected an issue with the Discipline Domain Level 1 Error Report that caused the report to not generate.

❏ Modified the Finance Domain > SharedServiceArrangementExt Entity to extract as follows:

  • EducationOrganization
  • SSAMemberDistrictId
  • SSAType
  • FiscalYear
  • ActualAmount
  • SSAFund

❏ Modified all TSDS Level 1 Error reports to display and print in landscape orientation by default.

❏ Modified the page to add the Extract Prior Year Reprint button.

TSDS Parallel

❏ Corrected the following Level 1 Errors:

  • EDFI Student Education Error Transforming Data and Inserting into EDFI Staging Table (EDFI_STU_ED_ORG_RESP_STG)
  • Extract processed but failed TSDS Extract Batch Process processed but failed with stored procedure error. Please provide server.log file.

❏ Corrected the issue that caused a -6 Error to display on the TSDS Extract Error Report on the following extracts. It is possible that other scenarios may inadvertently cause the -6 Error to occur. TCC will investigate additional scenarios as they are reported.

  • Course Extract
  • Course Offering Extract
  • CTE PGM Association
  • CTE Program Reporting Period Attendance
  • Discipline Action Extract
  • Discipline Incident Extract
  • Enrolled Student Extract
  • Finance Budget Extract
  • Parent Extract
  • Prior Year Leaver Extract
  • Section Extract
  • Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extract
  • Staff Ed Org Assignment Association Extract
  • Student Discipline Associations Extract
  • Student Education Organization Responsibility Extract
  • Student Language Instruction Program Extract
  • Student Parent Association Extract
  • Student Program Extract
  • Student School Association Extract
  • Student School Attendance Event Extract
  • Student Section Association Extract
  • Student Special Education Program Association Extract

❏ In order to comply with TEA, some extracts have been modified to no longer extract the TEA deleted 0/00 descriptors. This will cause the API to no longer send the data element.

In testing against the TCC version of the iODS, TCC has discovered some of the data elements are required and will continue to trigger a Level 1 Error.

TCC is waiting on guidance from TEA.

❏ Updated the Budget and Payroll URI Descriptors to correct the following Level 1 Errors:

  • Error: EdFi.Ods.Api.Services.Controllers.TX.BudgetExts.BudgetExtsController - MESSAGE: Post System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException: Validation of 'BudgetExt' failed. BudgetFunctionDescriptorId is required. BudgetFundDescriptorId is required. BudgetObjectDescriptorId is required. BudgetProgramIntentDescriptorId is required.
  • Error: EdFi.Ods.Api.Services.Controllers.TX.PayrollExts.PayrollExtsController - MESSAGE: Post System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException: Validation of 'PayrollExt' failed. PayrollFunctionDescriptorId is required. PayrollFundDescriptorId is required. PayrollObjectDescriptorId is required. PayrollProgramIntentDescriptorId is required.

The URI Descriptors for Budget and Payroll were updated follows:



❏ Modified the program to include Finance Prior Year Actuals in the Ed-FI Extracts.