Release Date: 6/9/23 ASCENDER Update: 7.1000

Removed the Provide feedback button from all application pages. The following statement will be posted in the ASCENDER News Section to explain: “The client feedback button was introduced when the TCC transitioned from TxEIS to ASCENDER. We have removed the button and welcome your feedback through your local ESC ASCENDER support team.“

Budget > Utilities > Clear Move NYR Requisitions To CYR

❏ Corrected the issue that caused account elements for the encumbrance offset (4310) to duplicate the subobject and organization resulting in an account code longer than 20 characters and preventing the process from being completed.

Finance > Maintenance > Pending Payables

❏ Corrected the program to prevent purchase orders with more than one line item and the same account for all line items from being fully liquidated when only partially received.

Also, corrected the program to properly calculate the Net Expense Amount based on the Actual Cost Amount when the PO has one item split between three or more accounts.

Finance > Inquiry > Travel Reimbursement Inquiry

❏ Modified the program to display the Documents button in the travel details pop-up window if documents are attached to the travel request.

Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Close

❏ Corrected the program to generate the final Fiscal Year Close report instead of a program error.

❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the Current Finance Fiscal Year and Previous Year File ID fields from being properly updated after successfully running the Fiscal Year Close process.

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Summary/Miscellaneous Reports > FIN3750 - Statement of Activities

❏ Corrected the issue that prevented all fund balance objects (excluding 37XX) from being included in the Net Assets, beginning of year line.

Grants and Projects > Maintenance > Approval Dashboard

❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the request details from being displayed in the spyglass pop-up window. Previously, only the Approve and Cancel buttons were displayed in the pop-up and if the user clicked either button, a program error occurred.

Payroll > Tables > District EP Options > EmployeePortal Options

❏ Added the Disable Temporary Approvers in EP field to disable the Temporary Approver functionality. After the record is saved, all current temporary approvers are deleted and the Set Temporary Approvers menu is hidden from the Supervisors menu in EmployeePortal.

Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info

❏ Added the IRS Lock-In Letter field to indicate that the IRS has determined that an employee does not have sufficient withholding and has issued a Lock-in Letter to restrict changes to the employee's W-4 information.

❏ Modified the program to display a message prompting users to update W-4 Info/FSP Staff Salary Data changes in the current year or next year pay frequency based on the logged-on pay frequency where the changes are being saved. This message is displayed when changes are made to the Tax Exempt, W-4 Withholding Certificate, or FSP Staff Salary Data fields.

Payroll > Maintenance > Leave Account Transaction > Staff Leave Maint

❏ Added validation to the Absence/Earned date field to prevent invalid dates or dates prior to 01/01/2000 from being entered.

Payroll > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Extract

❏ Corrected the issue that caused the following erroneous error to be displayed on the Error Report: “Error inserting errs 3.”

Payroll > Self-Service > Payroll Approval & Payroll Approval by Alternate

❏ Modified the program to display the following warning message if trying to approve pending W-4 changes and a Lock-in Letter has been issued for the employee (i.e., IRS Lock-In Letter field is selected on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info tab): “W-4 changes cannot be processed because an IRS Lock-in Letter has been issued. You can disapprove the changes to remove them from the approval queue or contact an administrator for further information.”

Payroll > Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1250 - Employee Data Listing

❏ Added the IRS Lock-in Letter field to the report.

Payroll > Reports > User Created Report

❏ Added the IRS Lock-in Letter field.

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information

❏ Added validation to the Phone section (Hm, Bus, Cell fields) to prevent phone numbers less than ten digits from being saved.

Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Responsibility

❏ Added the following Responsibility fields to the mass update process:

  • Staff Service

Personnel > Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1250 - Employee Data Listing

❏ Added the IRS Lock-in Letter field to the report.

Personnel > Reports > User Created Reports

❏ Added the IRS Lock-in Letter field.

Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Contract Requisition

❏ Added the auto-suggest feature to the Commodity Code field.

  • If a number is entered, the drop-down list is displayed in numerical order.
  • If a letter is entered, the drop-down list is displayed in alphabetical order.

Warehouse > Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance

❏ Corrected the scroll bar display on the right side of the page to only display one scroll bar instead of two.

Warehouse > Reports > Bid Processing Reports > BWH2050 - Bid Tabulation Report

❏ Removed the CSV option. As a result, the CSV button was disabled on the report parameters page and the CSV icon was removed from the report.




❏ Modified the program to generate an email message to supervisors to notify them that an employee has deleted an approved leave request.

❏ Modified the calendar view on the landing page to improve the user experience for Supervisors.

  • Added the All Requests and My Requests buttons to the top of the page. The default view for supervisors is All Requests, which displays all of their employees' Leave, Travel, and WorkJournal requests. The supervisor can then click My Requests to toggle to their personal requests view.
  • Removed the Calendar sub-menu from the Supervisor menu.
  • Updated the background color for each request type as follows:
    • Approved Leave Requests - Green
    • (P) Pending Leave Requests - Yellow
    • (D) Disapproved Leave Requests - Red
    • Approved Travel Requests - Gray
    • (P) Pending Travel Requests - Orange
    • (R) Returned Travel Requests - Red
    • (S) Saved Travel Requests - Red
    • Approved WorkJournal Requests - Blue
    • (P) Pending WorkJournal Requests - Orange
    • (S) Saved WorkJournal Requests - Red

EmployeePortal > Self-Service

❏ Added the IRS Lock-In Letter field under W4 Marital Status Information.

  • If the IRS Lock-In Letter field is selected for the employee on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info tab, the field is set to Y on this page and the W4 Marital Status Information fields are disabled preventing employees from requesting/making changes.

  • If the IRS Lock-In Letter field is not selected for the employee on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info tab, the field is not displayed on this page and the W4 Marital Status Information fields are enabled as usual allowing employees to request/make changes.

EmployeePortal > Supervisor > Set Temporary Approvers

❏ Modified the program to hide this menu item if the new Disable Temporary Approvers in EP field is selected on the Payroll > Tables > District EP Options > EmployeePortal Options page. The Disable Temporary Approvers in EP field is used to disable the Temporary Approver functionality and delete all temporary approvers upon saving the record.