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Release Date: 9/21/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0201 TeacherPortal Update:

Attendance > Post/View Attendance

❏ Modified the program to leave attendance codes that were pre-posted from TxEIS unchanged when attendance is posted for other students in the teacher's course. Pre-posted codes cannot currently be changed in ASCENDER TeacherPortal.

❏ Updated the program to allow you to enter attendance in each period of a multi-period course.

Grades > Assignment Grades

❏ Added an alert pop-up window to the screen when grades have been entered and you try to navigate away from the page.

❏ Updated the program to move the PIN field, Save button, and Calc Average button above the grade grid, which was made longer so less scrolling is required.

❏ Updated the program to move the Category and Assignment drop-down fields to the right side of the screen (after the Retrieve button).

❏ Updated the program to display the Invalid grade(s) found error message to above the grade grid.

❏ Corrected the program to properly display the Skill Set and Skill drop-down field when the course selected is skills-based.

❏ Corrected the program to properly calculate and display the Working Semester Average and Working Final Grade values. Also corrected the program to allow navigation with arrow keys and ENTER.

Grades > Print IPR

❏ Corrected the program to allow you to print the selected IPRs and then return to the page without errors.

❏ Modified the program to print the Override Average grade, if there is one and the cycle grade has not already been posted to TxEIS. If the cycle grade has already been posted to TXEIS, then Posted Average will print on the report instead.

❏ Modified the program to not print a random, bold number on it.

Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards > Admin – Set Up Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards – Step 2

❏ Corrected the program to properly save the Ord and Sem#C# selections under Selected Skills. Previously, when setting up a PK Report Card, the selections were saved successfully but then cleared after clicking the Retrieve Setup button.