Release Date: 10/28/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0213

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Verification Report Group > SGR0425

❏ Modified the program to run report SGR0425 without giving a program error when at least one of the course sections is missing all assignment dates for the semester and cycle on which the report is run. Only other courses or sections with assignments will display.

Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance

❏ Modified the program to add fields for Exam Fee, Vendor and Reimburse to the PGP tab, Industry Credentials or Certification box.

Graduation Plan > Maintenance > District > Tables

❏ Modified the program to allow clients to add, modify or delete records for the 2019-2020 school year on the Credentials or Certification tab.

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment

❏ Modified the program to add fields for Exam Fee, Vendor and Reimburse to the Demo 3 tab, Graduation box. These columns are enabled for students who do not have a graduation plan assigned.

Registration > Maintenance > Charter School Waitlist

❏ Modified the program to correctly display the checkbox for Other Child Attending and Child of Staff or Board Member when Yes is selected on the Parent Portal Charter Student Admission Application.

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll
Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > Tables > Withdrawl Reasons

❏ Added a new code 20 Withdrew Because of Medical Injury.

ASCENDER ParentPortal logo

ASCENDER ParentPortal

Release Date: 10/28/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER: 3.5.0213 Update:


❏ Corrected an issue that was causing multiple alerts to be sent to parents.

A SQL can be run to see if there are any alerts that need to be deleted.

select count ( * ) from PA_EMAIL_QUEUE where sent = 0

IMPORTANT: Before turning on notifications again, run this SQL on all databases. It will delete all unsent ParentPortal alerts.

delete PA_EMAIL_QUEUE where sent = 0;

ASCENDER StudentPortal logo

ASCENDER StudentPortal

Release Date: 10/28/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER: 3.5.0213 Update:

❏ Completed StudentPortal Spanish translation.


❏ Corrected the program to allow an existing student to create an account.

ASCENDER TeacherPortal logo

ASCENDER TeacherPortal

Release Date: 10/28/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0213 TeacherPortal Update:

Attendance > Post/View Attendance

❏ Updated the program with the following changes:

  • The number of prior days that can be posted or updated has been restricted to seven calendar days.
  • A time stamp has been added to Attendance successfully posted.
  • The attendance posted message is now Attendance has already been posted for this date, semester, and period.
  • Added a message for Attendance posting more than 7 days prior not allowed.

Screen shot of new messages on Attendance window

Grades > Assignment Grades

❏ Corrected with the following issues:

  • Grades not saving when entered after first logging in to Assignment Grades.
  • Grades were not clearing when OK was selected when receiving the Unsaved Data Warning message.

Grades > Print IPR

❏ Corrected the program to properly calculate and display student grades under Posted Average and Calculated Average. Previously, several students had an incorrect Posted Average but a correct Calculated Average.