Release Date: 7/27/21 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0220

Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Inquiry > Cumulative

❏ Corrected the Cumulative Absences Report to include all historical attendance records.

Registration > Maintenance > Online Registration > New Student Enrollment

❏ Corrected an issue occurring during online registration that caused the program to assign the same ID number to multiple students. The program was modified to add duplicate ID checks.

Registration > Utilities > TREx Export > Directory

❏ Corrected an issue when creating a transcript for a prior year student.

ASCENDER TeacherPortal logo

ASCENDER TeacherPortal

Release Date: 7/27/21
ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0220 ASCENDER TeacherPortal Update:

❏ Corrected several pages within the program that had caching issues.

Attendance > Post/View Attendance

❏ Corrected an issue in the program where Attendance messages were not clearing after users changed period, semester or date.

Grades > Assignment Grades

❏ Modified the program to allow values from 0 to 100 to be entered in the Weight field when transferring a student. User will not be able to enter values greater than 100.

❏ Corrected an issue in the program that was causing a system error if a category name was not assigned in Course-Section.

Additionally, the error message has been updated to A category was not found for an assignment. Go to Manage Assignments to review category selections and save assignments.

Grades > Cycle Grades

❏ Modified the program so the warning message Exam Grades are missing is given when there are no values in the Exam column and the user chooses Ready to Post for a course-section then saves.

❏ Modified the program so the Save button on the page functions like the Save button on Grades > Assignment Grades.

Grades > Assignment Grades
Grades > Cycle Grades

❏ Modified the program so Grades > Cycle Grades and Grades > Assignment Grades will function the same.

Grades > Assignment Grades
Settings > Manage Assignments

❏ Corrected an issue that caused Calculate Averages to function inconsistently on Grades > Assignments Grades when a new assignment was added on Settings > Manage Assignments.

Grades > Print IPR by Average

❏ Corrected an issue in the program that was causing some teachers to receive an error message when trying to print reports by average.

Reports > Admin Reports > Semester Grade Range

❏ Corrected an issue with logic that caused some students to be duplicated when generating the Cycle Grade Range Report.

Reports > Student Notes

❏ Added the following headers to the Student Assignment Note Report:

  • Student ID number
  • Student name format as Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Settings > Arrange Student Order

❏ Modified the program to enable the Arrange Student Order page. This option is not visible when logged in as an administrator.

Settings > Manage Course Groups

❏ Corrected an issue with Save button.
❏ Added the default message to Course Group Detail Group: Please select or create a course group.

Settings > Manage Seating Charts

❏ Corrected an issue that was causing the student seating chart random order functionality to fail when Random is chosen in the Layout Options field.

Settings > Manage Student Groups > Copy Student Groups

❏ Modified the program to revise the error message received when copying student groups from one teacher to another and some teachers are not registered. The message has changed to No User Name found for selected Teacher. Valid TeacherPortal login is required.

Admin > Admin - Student Grades

❏ Corrected a printing issue that caused attendance records from the Student Information page to print only the current semester even when the previous semester is displayed on the screen.