❏ From the Manage Users page, under Search Criteria, click Find to perform a search for all users. Or, to perform a search for a specific user, enter data in one or more of the search fields.

Edit User Button

❏ Click Edit User to update the roles and responsibilities associated with the user. The Edit User page is displayed.

Edit User Page

Notes: A component that is cleared is displayed in red. For example, if Maintenance is cleared, Maintenance is displayed in red.

If a component (i.e., menu item) has a subcategory that is not selected, the upper-level title is displayed in italics. For example, if Utilities has sublevels, one of which has been cleared, then Utilities is displayed in italics denoting that not everything under Utilities is selected for permission.

If read-only is selected, the component is displayed in brown. The component must be selected along with the read-only option.

❏ Click Save.