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reports:listusersbypermission [2017/08/28 21:46] emorenoreports:listusersbypermission [2020/10/20 15:47] (current) emoreno
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 //**Security Administration > Reports > List of Users by Permission**// //**Security Administration > Reports > List of Users by Permission**//
-<WRAP round intro>This report provides a list of permissions granted by user. For example, you can generate a report of users who are granted permission to Grade Reporting or Budget Options. +{{page>general:reports:listusersbypermission:intro}}
-</WRAP> +
 ====Generate a report:==== ====Generate a report:====
-Under **Choose Permissions for Report Listing**, a list of TxEIS components to which users may be granted permissions is displayed.+VCV Under **Choose Permissions for Report Listing**, a list of ASCENDER components to which users may be granted permissions is displayed.
-  * Click + - to expand and collapse the TxEIS components. +  * Click + - to expand and collapse the ASCENDER components. 
   * Select each component for which you want to produce a consolidated report of users sharing common permissions. For example, if you select Finance and Budget, a list of users that have been granted permission to Finance and Budget is displayed.   * Select each component for which you want to produce a consolidated report of users sharing common permissions. For example, if you select Finance and Budget, a list of users that have been granted permission to Finance and Budget is displayed.
-^ Button                                        ^ Description    /*Table with two rows*/ +{{page>general:generate_report}} 
-^Run|{{page>general:generate_report}} +
-^Cancel|Click to clear the selections and not generate the report.|+
reports/listusersbypermission.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/20 15:47 by emoreno