ASCENDER Standards-Based Grading, Set-Up and Use

Standards-Based Grading is a system of reporting student proficiency as specific learning goals (i.e., standards). If a course uses standards-based grading, assignments are associated with one or more standards. The standards are grouped together into standard sets. An assignment may be associated with more than one standard, and may be associated with multiple standard sets.

With standards-based grading, a student’s score may reflect the average for the standard, which is calculated by adding all scores for all assignments associated with the standard, and dividing by the number of assignments. Or, the student’s score may be calculated using the Power Law computation. The higher of the two is displayed as the student’s standard score unless the instructor has entered an override score. If an override score is entered, it is always displayed as the student’s average.

The Power Law Computation is based on the idea that a student’s later scores should have more weight than his earliest scores, because later scores are more reflective of the student’s accumulated knowledge. See the Power Law Computation chapter at the end of this guide for more information.

This guide covers the steps used by instructors to set up and use Standards-Based Grading.


❏ This guide assumes you are familiar with the basic features of TeacherPortal and have reviewed the TeacherPortal guide.

❏ You must be a registered TeacherPortal user and be logged on to a campus that allows standards-based grading.

❏ Standards-based grading must already be set up at the administrative level before an instructor can set up courses.

Checklist Overview

The following steps are covered in this guide:

❏ Set up the course.

  • Designate a course as standards-based.
  • Select the standards for each course.

❏ Enter scores throughout the cycle.

❏ View a student's scores as needed.

❏ Print IPRs as needed.

Set Up Standards-Based Grading in Grade Reporting

Setup Standards-Based Conversion Tables

Setup District-wide Standard Sets and Their Standards

Assign Standard Sets to Courses

Select the Report Card Type for the Course

Set TeacherPortal Campus Options

Set Up a Standards-Based Course

Designate a Course as Standards-Based

Set Up Assignments

Enter Grades for a Standards-Based Course

Grades for standards-based grading are entered on the Assignment Grades and Cycle Grades pages.

Assignment Grades

Cycle Grades

View a Student's Scores

View a Student's Scores

Print IPRs

Power Law Computation

Power Law Computation