F. Print elementary report cards.

IMPORTANT: Before printing end-of-year report cards for elementary campuses, be sure each student's Promotion - Year End Status and Promotion - Retained Reason # fields are set correctly on Registration > Maintenance > Student  Enrollment > Demo3.

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Report Cards > SGR1400 - Elementary Report Cards

SGR1400 parameters page

SGR1400 sample report card

snippet of elementary report card showing a retained message

Print Promoted/Retained Msg (Y, N)

If Y, a message will print at the bottom of the report card according to the student’s setting in the first Promotion - Retained Reason # field on Registration > Maintenance > Student  Enrollment > Demo3.

Retained ReasonMessage on Report Card
01 Grade avg. less than 70Grade avg. less than 70
02 Poor performance subject(s)Poor performance subject(s)
03 Poor performance assessmentPoor performance assessment
04 By agreement parent/teachersBy agreement parent/teachers
06 Excessive absenteeismExcessive absenteeism
99 Other factorsOther factors

If none of the Retained Reason # fields on the Demo3 tab contains a value, the student's year-end-status code (i.e., the Promotion - Year End Status field on the Demo3 tab) determines the message that prints on the report card.

Year-End-Status CodeMessage on Report Card
01 Promoted next gradePromoted
02 Retained same gradeRetained
03 Placed in next gradePlaced
21 Pending Summer SchoolPending Summer School
22 Pending OtherPending Other
23 Left District-No StatusLeft District-No Status

If this parameter is set to Y, the promoted/retained message will only print if the report card is run for the final grade reporting cycle and semester of the school year.