
Some grids and pages display approximately 30 rows of data. If the data exceeds the number of rows that can be displayed on the page, pagination arrows will be available at the bottom-left side page allowing you to go to the previous or next page, or to the first or last page.

pagination example

You can view and select which pages to display from the drop down. Or, you can click the arrow icons on either side of the page numbers to move between pages.

The pagination feature on some pages includes the range of data per page. In the image below, the student directory provides a drop-down list showing the student last name ranges on each page so you can find last names Ace - Bianco on page 1 and so on.

pagination example showing drop down

You can navigate between pages by using the buttons below:
Click First Page button to go to the first page.
Click Previous Page button to go back page.
Click Next Page button to go forward page.
Click Last Page button to go to the last page.

Pagination arrows are also displayed at the top of multi-page reports.

pagination example on a report