Grade Reporting > Utilities > Elem Scheduling > Delete/Rebuild Student Schedules From Table

This utility deletes and rebuilds elementary student schedules. Student schedules are automatically built based on student control numbers and information in the elementary courses table and instructor record.

Existing student schedules can be deleted, and students can be transferred from one section to another.

Grade Level SelectionSelect one or more grade levels. This option is used at the beginning of the school year to build schedules for all students by grade level.

• To select multiple non-consecutive rows, press and hold the CTRL key while selecting the first row and then the subsequent rows.

• To select multiple consecutive rows, click the first grade level and drag to select multiple grade levels. Or, press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting the first row and then the last row. All the rows (between the first and last rows) are selected.


The campus to which you are logged on is displayed.

NOTE: The Delete Existing Schedules option can be used for subsequent runs if you need to delete before rebuilding.

❏ Click Execute.

A message is displayed indicating that the course assignment is completed and prompting you to save the results.

❏ Click OK. The Students Processed page is displayed. Update data if needed.

❏ Click Save.

WARNING: If you close the Students Processed page without saving, existing schedules are deleted; however, schedules are not rebuilt.