Posting Codes

Attendance > Maintenance > District > Posting Codes

This page allows you to maintain a list of district-level attendance posting codes that are used at all campuses when a student is absent from school to indicate the reason for the student’s absence.

Any changes or deletions to the table should be made before the start of the school year.

Update data:

Existing attendance posting codes are displayed in order by posting code.

❏ Click +Add, or press ALT+1.

A blank row is added to the grid.

NOTE: When using ALT+1 to add a row, you must press the 1 key on the keyboard, not the 1 key on the numeric keypad.

Posting Code

Type the one-character code for the attendance posting that does not already exist in the table. This is the district-determined code that will be used to record attendance for the corresponding Absence Type.

Code P is used to delete an absence that was posted in error. The Absence Type for code P must be P (present).


Type a description for the code, up to 29 characters.

ADA Code

Select if the new code should be considered an absence when determining Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The field must be selected if Absence Type is A or U.


Select if the code can be posted to the student record prior to the date of the absence. Preposting can be used when the school is aware of the absence in advance (e.g., for a field trip).

Absence Type

Type the one-character absence type code to be displayed on the report card. Or, click to select the code.

Absence Types are a pre-set list of available attendance/tardy types. The district can use the Posting Code field to specify a district code for each attendance type. The posting code table serves as a crosswalk allowing ASCENDER attendance reports to display the district codes for each absence/tardy type.

❏ Click Save.

❏ To update data for a posting code, type over the existing data and save.

You cannot update a code. To change a code, you must delete and re-enter the code and description.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Print Print district posting codes.