SAT1370 - Class Attendance Verification

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Rosters > SAT1370 - Class Attendance Verification

This report prints current year class attendance by instructor name or control number. It can be used for attendance verification for all attendance or grade reporting cycles.

An asterisk next to the student's name indicates that the student is excluded from attendance reporting (i.e., Rep Excl is set to exclude attendance (A or B) on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo 1.

Report sort order

Run the report:

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Attendance Track

Type the two-digit attendance track.

Semester (1, 2, 3, 4)

Type the one-digit semester.

Valid semesters are 1 and 2.

For a four-semester campus, valid semesters are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Cycle (1, 2, 3)

Type the one-digit cycle code.

Period (Blank for All, ADA for Cntrl Nbr)

Type the two-digit period number.

Control Nbrs (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit instructor IDs (control numbers), separating multiple IDs with a comma (e.g., 112,131). Or, click ellipsis button to select the instructor IDs. Leave blank to select all instructor IDs.

Course Nbrs (Blank for All, Not used by Cntrl Nbr)

Type the course number(s), including all leading zeros and separating multiple courses with a comma (e.g., 0100,0110). Or, click to select the course(s). Leave blank to select all courses in the district.

Print Sequence (A=Alpha, N=Numeric)

A - Print students by last name.

N - Print students by student ID.

Print Spacing (S=Single, D=Double)

S - Use single-spacing.

D - Use double-spacing.

Credit Level (E=Elem, M=Mid, H=High, A=All, Not used by Cntrl Nbr)

E - Select elementary credit level courses.

H - Select high school credit level courses.

M - Select middle school credit level courses.

Blank - Select all credit levels.

This parameter allows campuses with grade levels EE-12 to print rosters for a specific group of grade levels.

Sort by Control Number (Y, N)

Y - Include the students reported under the instructor control number.

N - Include the students reported under the course the student has during the ADA period.

If Y, leave Course Nbrs and Credit Level blank, and you can only select one instructor for Control Nbrs. If Period is blank, attendance is reported for the ADA posting period.

If N (which generates the Class Attendance Verification by Period report), students who are withdrawn from a course-section but still enrolled at the campus are listed in the classes from which they withdrew, and they are highlighted with gray shading.

Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)

Y - Include withdrawn students.

N - Do not include withdrawn students.

If Y, withdrawn students are shaded gray.

Cycle Type (A=Attendance 6 week, Blank=Grade Reporting)

A - Run the report for the six-week cycle in Attendance.

Blank - Run according to the grading cycles in Grade Reporting.

NOTE: It is possible that a student’s absence is displayed when the Control Nbrs parameter is Y but not when the Period parameter is N. This could occur if a student moved to a different class for the same period. In this case, it is recommended that you combine the Period reports for the classes in which the student was enrolled for the same period, and compare these against the Control Nbrs report.