SAT2021 - Virtual Attendance Verification

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT2021 - Virtual Attendance Verification

This report will verify a student's virtual attendance. It will provide a listing by student, with their economic disadvantage code and the number of remote (remote synchronous and remote asynchronous) eligible days present by month.

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Attendance Track (Blank for All)

Type the two-digit attendance track.

Grade Level (Blank for All)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

Student IDs (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Separate multiple IDs with a comma (e.g., 098321,096476). Or, click Picklist to select the students.