SAT3000 was added to enable clients to review and verify a student's Additional Days School Year (ADSY) Attendance records.

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Student > SAT3000 ADSY Student Attendance Report

SAT3000 ADSY Student Attendance Report Parameters screen

❏ In the Ending School Year (YYYY) (Required) field, type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2021-2022 school year, type 2022.

❏ In the Campus ID (Required) field, type the three-digit campus ID, or leave blank to create a report for all campuses.

❏ In the ADSY Attendance Track (Required) field, type the ADSY two-digit code. This number must match the ADSY code on the Local Programs tab in order for the student to be included in the report.

❏ In the Grade Level (Blank for All) field, type the two-digit grade level, or leave blank to create a report for all grades.

❏ In the From Date (MMDDYYYY) field, type the date ADSY started, or leave blank.

❏ In the To Date (MMDDYYYY) field, type the date ADSY ended, or leave blank.

❏ In the Attendance Type (A=Absent,P=Present,B=Both) field, enter A to display the total students absent, P to display present-only students, or B to display both absent and present students.

❏ In the Sort Order (D=Date,G=Grade) (Required) field, enter D to sort by date or G to sort by grade.

❏ In the Student IDs (Blank for All) field, enter Student IDs or leave blank for all students.

❏ Click Preview.

SAT3000 ADSY Student Attendance Report

SAT3001 will verify the in-person, remote synchronous and asynchronous data to provide student totals.

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT3001 ADSY Campus/District Summary

SAT3001 ADSY Campus/District Summary screen

❏ In the Ending School Year (YYYY) (Required) field, type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2021-2022 school year, type 2022.

❏ In the Campus ID field, type the three-digit campus ID, or leave blank to create a report for all campuses.

❏ In the ADSY Attendance Track field, type the ADSY two-digit code. This number must match the ADSY code on the Local Programs tab in order for the student to be included in the report.

❏ In the From Date (MMDDYYYY) field, type the date ADSY started, or leave blank.

❏ In the To Date (MMDDYYYY) field, type the date ADSY ended, or leave blank.

❏ Click Preview.

SAT3001 ADSY Campus/District Summary report