Indicate which local program code will be used to identify students participating in the Additional Days School Year Program.

State Reporting > Options

State Reporting with new Additional Days School Year Local Program program codes

❏ Enter ADP in the blank field or select a program code from the drop-down menu.

 State Reporting with new Additional Days School Year Local Program program codes dropdown

❏ Click Save.

State Reporting > Crosswalks

This process will crosswalk the Campus ID for the Staff Responsibility record.

NOTE: This applies when the Additional Days School Year (ADSY) Program is held at a campus other than the enrolled campus.

The 4-digit Course number should be specific to each campus. Individual Course numbers will need to be created on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section and then crosswalked.

The Campus ID indicated in the crosswalk will generate as the Campus ID for the Staff Responsibility Record.

 ADSY Crosswalks

❏ Select ADP Additional Days School Year Courses from the Crosswalk Type drop-down menu.

❏ Enter the campus-specific, 4-digit Course number and the 3-digit Campus number.

❏ Click Save.

See the PEIMS TSDS Extended Year Submission training guide for information on how to report Additional Days School Year for the Extended School Year Submission.