The Staff Development Waivers are used when staff has training. This could include days when students are in attendance.

NOTE: Effective as of the 2018-2019 school year:

Staff Development Waiver Days are not allowed before the first day of school or after the last day of school (Rules 10200-0037 and 10200-0038).

Staff Development Waiver Days are allowed on the first or last day of school, as long as there are some instructional minutes on that date.

For the 2017-2018 school year, a staff development waiver day is not a membership day.

For the 2018-2019 school year and beyond, a staff development waiver day may be a membership day if there are instructional minutes.

❏ Select one or more dates on the calendar, and click Waiver.


Select 01: Staff Development Waiver Day. For the next year calendar, this is the only option available.

Type of Min
Waiver Minutes

Type the number of waiver minutes needed.

Daily Minutes

Type the number of minutes of instruction that will occur on this date.

Attendance was taken

Indicate whether the day is operational/instructional or not:

❏ Click OK.

❏ Click Save.

Note that the date on the calendar is now shaded yellow because it is a waiver day. The number is green because it is now an in-service date.

Also, a membership day is removed from the count in the Mem Days column for the cycle in which the selected date occurs (if applicable).