This utility assigns or changes the graduation plan for a group of students by grade level, and updates each student's Graduation Type field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3. From the group, you can select to assign the plan to all or some students. When a student's plan is changed, the credit summary and credit detail calculations are compared against the district-level graduation plan requirements for the new graduation plan.

  • No graduation plan courses are added, changed, or deleted for students who currently have a graduation plan assigned.

  • No default courses for previous grade levels are assigned to the student. Default courses are only added if they are offered at the campus and not already in progress or requested by the student.

  • Graduation plan courses in progress, requested/scheduled, or completed are not assigned.

  • If a student has at least one scheduling record, graduation plan courses for the scheduling grade level are not assigned.

  • When you change a student's graduation plan, the course subject areas (i.e., grad plan use codes) are automatically reassigned in the student's graduation plan. Any courses the student has already taken, is currently taking, or is scheduled to take next year will have the grad plan use code adjusted if necessary so courses appear under the correct subject area on the graduation plan. (NOTE: If a course is already set to at least one applicable subject area in the new graduation plan, the course's subject area will not be changed.)