❏ Click +Add in the upper grid to enter a row for a particular school year.

A blank row is added to the grid.

School Ending Year

(Required) Type the four-digit ending year of the school year in which the courses were taken.

Only one record per year is allowed.

If entering a summer school grade (i.e., after ASDR has been performed), type the ending year of the prior school year.

WARNING: Once the record is saved, the School Ending Year field cannot be changed. To correct the year, you must delete the row and reenter all data.

District ID

(Required) Type the six-digit county-district number in which the courses were taken.

Campus ID

(Required) Type the three-digit campus ID where courses were taken.

NOTE: To include a course in grade averaging for the campus, a summer school course must be taken in-district.

Grd Lvl

(Optional; intended for high school credit courses) Select the student's grade level when the courses were taken.

❏ Click Save to save the data in the upper grid.

❏ In the upper grid, click Spyglass Icon to select the year for which you want to add courses.

Fields in the lower grid are enabled for that school year.