Most information retrieved on this tab for an enrolled student is read-only and cannot be modified. Information can be edited on Registration > Maintenance > Demo1.

However, enrolled students are able to edit the ECI Start Date and ECI Indicator Code.

Sample image of the SPPI-12 Demographic/Enrollment tab

Retrieve a Student:

Click Directory to select a student from the directory.

❏ Under Demographic Information and Enrollment Information:

Most information retrieved in these sections for an enrolled student is read-only and cannot be modified. Information can be edited on Registration > Maintenance > Demo1.

NOTE: The Grade and Instructional Track fields will auto-populate with information from Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1.

The ECI Start Date and ECI Indicator Code fields will auto-populate with information from Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd if a student has an active ECI record.

Enrolled students are able to edit the ECI Start Date and ECI Indicator Code.