❏ Under Method:

Move Students from one Course to another Course

This option moves students from the From course to the To course if they also meet the criteria specified under Students.


Click to select the course in which the students are currently enrolled.

Add Course for Students enrolled in a Specific Course

This option adds the Add course for students enrolled in the If course if they also meet the criteria specified under Students.


Click to select the course in which the students are currently enrolled.


Click to select the course to be added.

Drop Students from a Specific Course

This option drops the Drop course for students who are enrolled in that class and meet the criteria specified under Students.


Click to select the course to be dropped.

Add Students to a Specific Course

This option adds the Add course or proxy for students who meet the criteria specified under Students.


Click to select the course to be added.

❏ Under Students:


Select a gender if the change is only for one gender.

Next Year Grade Level

Select a grade level if the change is only for students in that grade level next year.


Select a team if the change is only for students with a particular team code.

Next Year Control Nbr

Select a control number if the change is only for students with that control number next year.

❏ Click Start.

A message is displayed indicating the group course change that will occur and the number of students affected.