Select Student for Reports

The student selection directory allows you to retrieve students at the campus.

Select students:

School Year

The current school year is displayed.

  • If the report is for the current year only, the field cannot be changed.
  • If the report can be run for a prior school year, the field is enabled. You can select another school year if necessary.

You can search for the student by last and first names. Other options allow you to narrow the search further. Enter data in one or more of the following fields:

Last Name

Type all or part of the student's last name to retrieve students whose last name begins with the letters you have typed.

First Name

Type all or part of the student's first name to retrieve students whose first name begins with the letters you have typed.

Campus ID

The campus ID to which you are logged on is displayed. You can select another campus if needed.

Grade Level

Type or select the grade level to retrieve students in a specific grade level.

Grade Level

Select students with a specific status (i.e., Active or Inactive). Select All to retrieve active and inactive students.

Some applications may have additional criteria:

Click Retrieve. The students who meet the criteria are displayed.

When you find the student you want to retrieve, click the student ID. The student selection dialog box closes, and the Value field on the report parameter page displays the selected student ID.

If the report allows you to select multiple students, the Select field is displayed.

• Click Select for the students you want to select.
• To unselect a student, click Select again.

• Click the Select button. The student selection dialog box closes, and the Value field on the report parameter page displays the selected student IDs.

Click Cancel to close the dialog box without selecting a student.