❏ Click TSDS Unique ID. The Texas Unique ID pop-up window is displayed.
In the User ID and Password fields, type the user ID and password provided by TEAL for the service account to use the Unique ID Web Service.
Click Search to search through the TSDS Unique ID database. If the student has never been assigned a TX Unique ID, a message is displayed indicating that the Unique ID cannot be found with the provided credentials.
Click Assign New ID. If the employee record contains the necessary demographic information (Staff ID, Last Name, First Name, SSN, and DOB), the employee's information is displayed and a Unique ID is generated. If the employee has multiple records, a list of records is displayed.
Staff ID
Tx Unique Staff ID - Displays the Unique ID.
Last Name
First Name
Status - Displays the status of the employee's Unique ID record from the Unique ID Web Service. This status varies based on the individual employee's record.
Click X to close the Texas Unique Staff ID pop-up window and return to the Demographic Information tab.
Click Cancel to cancel the process. The pop-up window is closed and the Unique ID is not populated on the Demographic Information tab.
Note: If you click Cancel, the Unique ID that was generated for the employee will still exist in the Unique ID Web Services and will be available for assignment if you revisit the employee record.
❏ Click Save to assign and save the Texas Unique Staff ID to the employee's record in Personnel.