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Course (Grade Reporting)

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Course

This tab allows you to maintain course records in the campus master schedule. Data in the campus course records is copied from the district master schedule, and only the fields listed on this Help page can be modified in the campus master schedule. All other fields are maintained in the district master schedule.

You cannot delete a course from this tab. Courses can be deleted on the Course Selection tab.

Update a record:

search drop-down

Select the field by which you want to search for courses.


Click Retrieve.

  • A list of courses that meet the specified criteria is displayed. The list can be re-sorted.
  • If more courses are retrieved than can be displayed on one page, you can page through the list.
  • The Elem Skills Based column indicates that a course is selected in txGradebook as an elementary skills-based course.

Change the grid view:
The default view in the grid is basic course information indicated by ⇒ Crs Nbr in the area below the grid. You can modify the view in the grid by clicking an underlined header in that area.

For example, if you click the Scheduling header, only restrictions information is displayed in the grid. The Scheduling header is displayed as ⇒ Scheduling indicating that it is the current view.

Click for a record in the grid. The fields in the free-form area below the grid are enabled.

Grd Restr

If there are grade level restrictions for the course, select the lowest grade level allowed.

In the adjacent + field, type the number of additional grade levels that are eligible to take the course.

For example, if the course is for 7th and 8th grade students, select 07 in the Grd Restr field, and type 1 in the + field.

Pregrid Grd Restr

If there are grade level restrictions that should restrict the course from being scheduling pregrids, select the lowest grade level allowed for the course.

In the adjacent + field, type the number of additional grade levels that are eligible to take the course. When the scheduling pregrids are printed, the course only prints in the subject area for students in the grade levels indicated.

For example, if the course is for 7th and 8th grade students, select 07 in the Pregrid Grd Restr field, and type 1 in the + field.

Excl Conflict Matrix

Select if the course should be excluded from the conflict matrix reports.

Can Split Opt

Type Y or N to indicate if the course can be split into different semesters (i.e., assign a student a full year course with different course sections for first and second semesters).

Y- The course can be split.

N or blank - Do not use this option.

Rpt Card Grd Typ

Select the type of grades that should appear on the report cards for the course. The field is used by TeacherPortal when determining the working cycle average.


If Core Course = L, M, S, or X, when Rpt Card Grd Typ is set to A, B, C, D, F, then the elementary core grade conversion table on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > Core Grd CVSN must be set to A, B, C, D, F.

If Core Course = blank or Z, when Rpt Card Grd Typ is set to A, B, C, D, F, then the elementary noncore grade conversion table on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > NonCore Grd CVSN must be set to A, B, C, D, F.

If Core Course = L, M, S, or X, when Rpt Card Grd Typ is set to E, S, N, U, then the elementary core grade conversion table on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > Core Grd CVSN must be set to E, S, N, U.

If Core Course = blank or Z, when Rpt Card Grd Typ is set to E, S, N, U, then the elementary noncore grade conversion table on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > NonCore Grd CVSN must be set to E, S, N, U.

You cannot select Pass/Fail if Credit Level = E.

You cannot select E, S, N, U or A, B, C, D, F if Credit Level = H. Only Numeric and Pass/Fail grade types are allowed.

You must select Numeric for a course that uses standards-based grading, or is self-paced.

An error message is displayed if there is no match.

The options are stored in the database as follows:
blank = Numeric
A = A, B, C, D, F
E = E, S, N, U
P = Pass/Fail

Click Save.

gradereporting/maintenance/masterschedule/campusschedule/course.1500405684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/18 14:21 (external edit)