
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Posting

This tab allows you to set campus options indicating what can be posted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files.

Update data:

Allow Cycle Grade

Select if cycle grades can be posted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files.

This field must be selected for elementary campuses that want to include the exam grade in the semester averageĀ and display the Exam column in TeacherPortal.

Allow Semester Grade

Select if semester grades can be posted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files.

Expect Exam Grade

Select if exam grades are expected from TeacherPortal or external grade book files. If selected, an error message is displayed if no exam grades are found.

Allow Exempt Exam

Select if X is a valid grade for the semester exam for students who are exempt from taking the exam. It also allows X to be accepted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files. The field is used by the Grade Computation and Credit Assignment utility to calculate semester grades.

For elementary grade reporting, if this field is not selected and a student has X for an exam grade, an error is generated when you run the Grade Posting from ASCENDER Grade Book utility.

Allow Alpha Exam

Select if alpha semester exam grades can be posted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files.

Allow Numeric Exam

Select if numeric semester exam grades can be posted from TeacherPortal or external grade book files.

Allow Final Grade

Select if final course grades can be posted from external grade book files.

NOTE: This field must be selected in order for the Working Final Grade column to be displayed on the TeacherPortal > Cycle page.

Auto Citizenship

Select if students with a blank citizenship grade will receive an autograde. If selected, the Citizenship Grade field is required.

Citizenship Grade

Type the citizenship grade that will automatically be assigned to students who have a blank.

Allow Absence

Select if absences can be posted from external grade book files.

Allow Tardy

Select if tardies can be posted from external grade book files.

Allow Credit

Select if credits can be posted from external grade book files.

❏ Click Save.