Print Options

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Print Options

This tab allows you to set campus options for printing report cards. These settings also apply when printing Academic Achievement Records (AARs).

Print Options tab

Update data:

❏ Under Report Card Options:

Crs Seq

Select the sequence in which courses are printed on report cards - either by course number or by period.

Print Failing Msg

Select if you want to print report card messages for students who are failing one or more courses.

This field works with the Code field on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Rpt Card Messages and the Msg Nbr field on Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Rpt Card Msg Elementary.

If Print Failing Msg is selected, and a student has a grade of 69 or lower in the cycle specified for the report card being printed, the failing message prints on the report card. The failing message only prints for students with a failing grade for the cycle being printed.


Select the sequence in which report cards are printed.

Incl Non-Graded Crs

Select to include non-graded courses on report cards.

Print Credits

Select to print academic credits on report cards.

Print HRoll Code

Select to print honor roll codes next to courses on report cards.

Print W/D Crs

Select to print withdrawn courses on report cards or grading labels.

❏ Click Save.